Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack Apk Game !!LINK!! Download

Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK Game Download: A Fun and Authentic Way to Experience Being a Bus Driver in Indonesia

Do you love driving games and want to try something different? Do you want to explore the beautiful and diverse landscapes of Indonesia while driving a bus? Do you want to have unlimited money, fuel, and other resources to enhance your gameplay? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you might be interested in Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK, a modified version of the popular game Bus Simulator Indonesia.

What is Bus Simulator Indonesia?

Bus Simulator Indonesia (aka BUSSID) is a simulation game developed by Maleo, a local developer based in Surabaya, Indonesia. The game was released in 2017 and has since gained millions of downloads and positive reviews from players all over the world. The game lets you experience what it likes being a bus driver in Indonesia in a fun and authentic way. You can drive various types of buses, from city buses to intercity buses, on realistic roads and routes. You can also design your own livery, customize your bus, and use cool and fun honks. The game has high quality and detailed 3D graphics, easy and intuitive controls, online multiplayer mode, leaderboard, data saved online, and more features that make it one of the best bus simulator games on Android.

Features of Bus Simulator Indonesia

Some of the top features of Bus Simulator Indonesia are:

  • Design your own livery: You can create your own unique livery for your bus using the built-in editor or using your own 3D model using the vehicle mod system.
  • Very easy and intuitive control: You can choose between tilt, steering wheel, or buttons to control your bus. You can also adjust the sensitivity and camera angle according to your preference.
  • Authentic Indonesian cities and places: You can visit various cities and places in Indonesia, such as Jakarta, Surabaya, Bali, Bandung, Yogyakarta, and more. The maps are accurate and realistic, with traffic signs, landmarks, buildings, and other elements that reflect the Indonesian culture and environment.
  • Indonesian Buses: You can drive different types of buses that are popular in Indonesia, such as PO Haryanto, Sinar Jaya, Rosalia Indah, Gunung Harta, and more. The buses have realistic and in-depth designs, with interior and exterior details, lights, mirrors, doors, wipers, etc.
  • Cool and fun honks: You can use various honks that are iconic and funny in Indonesia, such as “Om Telolet Om”, “Bismania”, “Klakson Telolet”, etc. You can also hear the passengers’ reactions when you honk.
  • High quality and detailed 3D graphics: The game has stunning graphics that make you feel like you are really driving a bus in Indonesia. The textures, shadows, reflections, weather effects, day and night cycle, etc. are all well-made and immersive.
  • No obstructive ads while driving: The game does not show any annoying ads while you are driving your bus. You can enjoy the game without any interruption or distraction.
  • Leaderboard: You can compete with other players around the world on the leaderboard. You can see your rank, score, distance traveled, passengers transported, etc.
  • Data saved online: You can save your progress online using your Google Play account. You can also sync your data across different devices. You can also restore your data if you lose or change your device.

How to download and install Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK?

If you want to download and install Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Download the APK file: You can download the APK file from a trusted and reliable source, such as [this link]. The file size is about 200 MB, so make sure you have enough storage space and a stable internet connection.
  2. Enable unknown sources: Before you can install the APK file, you need to enable unknown sources on your device. This will allow you to install apps that are not from the Google Play Store. To do this, go to Settings > Security > Unknown Sources and toggle it on.
  3. Install the APK file: After you have downloaded and enabled unknown sources, you can install the APK file by tapping on it and following the instructions on the screen. It may take a few minutes to complete the installation process.
  4. Launch the game and enjoy: Once the installation is done, you can launch the game from your app drawer or home screen. You can now enjoy playing Bus Simulator Indonesia with unlimited money, fuel, and other resources.

Why use Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK?

Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK is a modified version of the original game that gives you some advantages and benefits that are not available in the official version. Some of the reasons why you might want to use Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK are:

Benefits of Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK

Some of the benefits of Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK are:

  • Unlimited money: You can get unlimited money in the game, which you can use to buy new buses, upgrade your bus, customize your livery, etc. You don’t have to worry about running out of money or earning money by completing missions or transporting passengers.
  • Unlimited fuel: You can get unlimited fuel in the game, which means you don’t have to refuel your bus at gas stations or worry about running out of fuel while driving. You can drive as long as you want without any interruption or hassle.
  • All buses unlocked: You can get access to all the buses in the game, which are normally locked until you reach a certain level or pay a certain amount of money. You can choose any bus you like and drive it on any route or map.
  • All maps unlocked: You can get access to all the maps in the game, which are normally locked until you reach a certain level or pay a certain amount of money. You can explore any city or place in Indonesia and enjoy the scenery and atmosphere.
  • No ads: You can get rid of all the ads in the game, which are normally shown before or after each mission or when you open the game. You can play the game without any annoying or distracting ads.

Risks of Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK

However, using Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK also comes with some risks and drawbacks that you should be aware of before downloading and installing it. Some of the risks of Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK are:

  • Potential malware or virus infection: Since Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK is not from the official source, there is a possibility that it may contain malware or virus that can harm your device or steal your personal information. You should always download the APK file from a trusted and reliable source and scan it with an antivirus app before installing it.
  • Banned from online mode: Since Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK is a modified version of the original game, it may not be compatible with the online mode or multiplayer mode of the game. You may face errors, glitches, or crashes when trying to play online with other players. You may also get banned from the online mode if the game detects that you are using a hacked version.
  • No updates or support: Since Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK is not from the official source, it may not receive any updates or support from the developer. You may miss out on new features, improvements, bug fixes, etc. that are added to the official version. You may also face compatibility issues with newer versions of Android or other apps.

Tips and tricks to play Bus Simulator Indonesia

If you want to play Bus Simulator Indonesia like a pro, here are some tips and tricks that you should know:

Use manual transmission mode

If If you want to have more control and realism in your driving, you can use the manual transmission mode instead of the automatic transmission mode. You can switch between the modes by tapping on the gear icon on the bottom right corner of the screen. In manual transmission mode, you can use the up and down arrows to change gears, and the clutch button to engage or disengage the clutch. You can also see the current gear and speed on the dashboard. Manual transmission mode can help you save fuel, accelerate faster, and drive more smoothly.

Avoid driving on the wrong side of the road

One of the challenges of driving in Indonesia is that you have to drive on the left side of the road, which may be different from your own country. Driving on the wrong side of the road can cause accidents, traffic jams, fines, or even game over. You should always follow the traffic rules and signs, and pay attention to the road markings and directions. You should also use your indicators when turning or changing lanes, and check your mirrors and blind spots before doing so. Driving on the right side of the road can help you avoid collisions, penalties, and frustration.

Customize your bus and livery

One of the fun aspects of Bus Simulator Indonesia is that you can customize your bus and livery according to your taste and style. You can change the color, shape, size, accessories, stickers, etc. of your bus using the garage menu. You can also create your own livery using the livery editor or using your own 3D model using the vehicle mod system. You can also download and use other players’ liveries from the online gallery or from external sources. Customizing your bus and livery can help you express your personality, creativity, and uniqueness.

Use the horn wisely

Another fun aspect of Bus Simulator Indonesia is that you can use various horns that are iconic and funny in Indonesia, such as “Om Telolet Om”, “Bismania”, “Klakson Telolet”, etc. You can also hear the passengers’ reactions when you honk. However, you should not use the horn excessively or unnecessarily, as it can annoy other drivers, pedestrians, or authorities. You should only use the horn when you need to warn or communicate with other road users, such as when overtaking, approaching a junction, or entering a narrow road. Using the horn wisely can help you avoid trouble, respect others, and have fun.


Bus Simulator Indonesia is a simulation game that lets you experience what it likes being a bus driver in Indonesia in a fun and authentic way. You can drive various types of buses on realistic roads and routes, design your own livery, customize your bus, and use cool and fun honks. You can also download and install Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK to get unlimited money, fuel, and other resources that can enhance your gameplay. However, you should also be aware of the risks and drawbacks of using a hacked version of the game. You should also follow some tips and tricks to play Bus Simulator Indonesia like a pro.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK:

  1. Is Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK safe to use?
    Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK is not from the official source, so there is a possibility that it may contain malware or virus that can harm your device or steal your personal information. You should always download the APK file from a trusted and reliable source and scan it with an antivirus app before installing it.
  2. Can I play online with Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK?
    Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK is a modified version of the original game, so it may not be compatible with the online mode or multiplayer mode of the game. You may face errors, glitches, or crashes when trying to play online with other players. You may also get banned from the online mode if the game detects that you are using a hacked version. You should only use the official version of the game if you want to play online with other players.
  3. How can I update Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK?
    Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK may not receive any updates or support from the developer, so you may miss out on new features, improvements, bug fixes, etc. that are added to the official version. You may also face compatibility issues with newer versions of Android or other apps. You should check the source where you downloaded the APK file for any updates or new versions. You should also backup your data before updating or uninstalling the game.
  4. How can I uninstall Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK?
    If you want to uninstall Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK, you can do so by following these steps:

    1. Go to Settings > Apps > Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK and tap on it.
    2. Tap on Uninstall and confirm your action.
    3. Wait for the uninstallation process to finish.

    You can also delete the APK file from your device’s storage if you don’t need it anymore.

  5. Where can I get more information about Bus Simulator Indonesia?
    If you want to get more information about Bus Simulator Indonesia, you can visit the official website of the game at [this link]. You can also follow the official social media accounts of the game on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. You can also join the official community of the game on Discord, Reddit, etc. You can also contact the developer of the game by email at [this address].

I hope this article has helped you learn more about Bus Simulator Indonesia Hack APK and how to use it. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thank you for reading and happy driving!


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