The Ring Bernard Smith ❤

author image by lathou | 0 Comments | July 10, 2023

The Ring: A Tale of Madness, Mystery and Love

What drove Rafael, a poor fisherman, to insanity? What is the secret behind his gold ring? Who is the mysterious woman who gave it to him? These are some of the questions that haunt the narrator of this story, a doctor who tries to unravel the truth about Rafael’s past.

The Ring is a short novel by Bernard Smith, first published in 1969. It is a gripping psychological thriller that explores the themes of obsession, guilt and redemption. The story is set in a small coastal town in Spain, where Rafael lives in a mental hospital. He can only utter two sentences: “She gave me the golden fish” and “She gave me the ring. I still have it. She gave the ring back to me”.

The doctor, who is fascinated by Rafael’s case, decides to investigate his history. He learns that Rafael used to be a normal and happy man, who loved fishing and playing guitar. He was married to a beautiful woman named Maria, who died in a car accident. After her death, Rafael became depressed and lonely. He spent his days fishing in the sea, hoping to catch a golden fish that Maria had dreamed of.

One day, he met a mysterious woman on the beach, who looked exactly like Maria. She claimed to be her twin sister, who had come to visit her grave. She offered Rafael a gold ring, which she said belonged to Maria. She also asked him to take her on his boat and show her the place where Maria had seen the golden fish. Rafael agreed, hoping to find some comfort in her presence.

However, things took a dark turn when they reached the spot. The woman revealed that she was not Maria’s sister, but her lover. She had been having an affair with Maria for years, and they had planned to run away together. She blamed Rafael for Maria’s death, and accused him of being a bad husband. She also confessed that the ring was not Maria’s, but hers. She had given it to Maria as a symbol of their love.

Rafael was shocked and enraged by her revelation. He grabbed the ring from her hand and threw it into the sea. He then attacked her with his knife, intending to kill her. However, she managed to escape and jumped into the water. She swam towards the ring, which had landed on a rock. She reached for it, but at that moment, a huge wave crashed over her and dragged her under.

Rafael watched in horror as she disappeared into the depths. He realized that he had committed a terrible crime, and that he had lost both Maria and the ring forever. He felt a sudden surge of remorse and regret. He jumped into the sea, hoping to save her or die with her. But he was too late. He could not find her or the ring anywhere.

He swam back to his boat, feeling empty and hopeless. He looked at his hand, and saw that he was still holding his knife. He decided to end his misery by stabbing himself in the heart. But before he could do it, he saw something shining on his finger. It was the ring. Somehow, it had returned to him.

He stared at it in disbelief and confusion. He wondered if it was a miracle or a curse. He felt a strange mix of love and hate for the ring. He wanted to keep it as a memory of Maria, but he also wanted to get rid of it as a reminder of his sin. He did not know what to do with it.

He decided to go back to the shore and seek help from someone. But when he arrived at the beach, he found no one there. He walked along the sand, looking for someone to talk to. But he could not find anyone.

He felt alone and lost in the world. He started to lose his grip on reality. He began to talk to himself, repeating the same two sentences over and over again: “She gave me the golden fish” and “She gave me the ring”.

One day, a young doctor visits the mental hospital where Rafael is kept. He recognizes him as the madman he met when he was a boy. He feels sorry for him and wants to help him. He asks the director of the hospital for permission to treat Rafael and try to cure his madness. The director agrees, but warns him that Rafael is a hopeless case.

The doctor begins his therapy sessions with Rafael. He tries to make him talk about his past and his feelings. He also gives him some medication to calm him down. He hopes to find out what caused Rafael’s madness and what is the meaning of his two sentences.

At first, Rafael does not respond to the doctor’s questions. He just repeats his two sentences over and over again. The doctor does not give up. He keeps talking to Rafael and showing him pictures of Maria, Anita, the soldier, the ring and the golden fish. He also plays some music that Rafael used to like.

Gradually, Rafael starts to show some signs of improvement. He begins to look at the pictures and listen to the music. He also starts to say some other words besides his two sentences. He says things like “Maria”, “Anita”, “ring”, “fish”, “love”, “hate”, “kill” and “sorry”. The doctor is encouraged by these changes. He thinks that Rafael is beginning to remember his past and express his emotions.

One day, the doctor decides to take Rafael to the beach where he met the mysterious woman. He thinks that this might trigger some memories in Rafael and help him recover his sanity. He gets permission from the director of the hospital and drives Rafael to the beach.

When they arrive at the beach, the doctor shows Rafael the place where he met the woman. He asks him if he remembers anything about her. Rafael looks at the sea and says “She gave me the ring”. The doctor asks him who she was and what happened to her. Rafael says “She was Maria’s sister. She died in the sea”. The doctor asks him how she died and why he has the ring. Rafael says “I killed her. I threw the ring into the sea. But it came back to me”.

The doctor is shocked by Rafael’s confession. He realizes that Rafael is telling him the truth, and that he has solved the mystery of his madness. He asks Rafael why he killed the woman and what she did to him. Rafael says “She lied to me. She was not Maria’s sister. She was Maria’s lover. She gave me the ring because she hated me. She wanted to take Maria away from me”. The doctor asks him how he knows that and what he saw. Rafael says “I saw them together. They were kissing. They had the ring”.

The doctor understands that Rafael witnessed a terrible scene that broke his heart and drove him to murder. He feels sorry for him and tries to comfort him. He tells him that he is not alone, and that he can help him heal his wounds. He tells him that he has to let go of the past and forgive himself and the woman. He tells him that he has to give up the ring, because it is a symbol of his pain and guilt.

He asks Rafael to give him the ring, so that he can throw it into the sea and free him from his curse. Rafael hesitates, but then agrees. He takes off the ring from his finger and gives it to the doctor. The doctor takes it and throws it as far as he can into the water. He tells Rafael that it is over, and that he can start a new life.

As the ring sinks into the water, something unexpected happens. A huge golden fish emerges from the sea and swallows the ring. The fish then looks at Rafael and the doctor with its bright eyes. It seems to smile at them, as if it recognizes them. It then dives back into the water and disappears.

Rafael and the doctor are stunned by what they have seen. They cannot believe their eyes. They wonder if it was a hallucination or a miracle. They look at each other in silence, trying to make sense of it.

Then, Rafael says something that surprises the doctor. He says “Thank you”. He says it with a clear and calm voice, as if he has regained his sanity. He looks at the doctor with gratitude and relief. He tells him that he feels free and happy. He tells him that he has seen Maria in the fish, and that she has forgiven him. He tells him that he is ready to live again.

The doctor is amazed by Rafael’s words. He feels happy for him and proud of himself. He thinks that he has succeeded in curing his madness and saving his life. He hugs Rafael and congratulates him. He tells him that he is his friend and that he will always help him.

They return to the hospital, where Rafael recovers from his illness. The doctor tells the director of the hospital about Rafael’s story and his improvement. The director is impressed by the doctor’s work and congratulates him. He tells him that Rafael can be discharged soon and live a normal life.

The doctor is happy for Rafael and decides to help him find a new home and a new job. He also offers to be his friend and mentor. He thinks that Rafael deserves a second chance and a fresh start.

Rafael is grateful to the doctor and accepts his help. He also thanks him for saving his life and curing his madness. He tells him that he feels like a new man, and that he wants to forget his past and move on. He tells him that he has no regrets or resentments, and that he has forgiven himself and the woman.

He also tells him that he has learned a valuable lesson from his experience. He tells him that he has realized that love is not something that can be forced or possessed, but something that can be given and received freely. He tells him that he has understood that the ring was not a symbol of love, but of greed and jealousy. He tells him that he has discovered that the true gold is not in the ring, but in the heart.

A few months later, Rafael is ready to leave the hospital. The doctor helps him find a small apartment and a job as a gardener. He also introduces him to some of his friends and colleagues. He invites him to join him for dinner and movies. He treats him like a brother.

Rafael adapts well to his new life. He enjoys his work and his hobbies. He makes new friends and socializes with them. He also learns new skills and hobbies. He takes guitar lessons and joins a band. He reads books and watches documentaries. He travels to different places and learns about different cultures.

He also meets a nice girl named Elena, who works as a nurse at the hospital. They fall in love and start a relationship. They have many things in common and support each other. They plan to get married and have children.

Rafael is happy and fulfilled. He feels like he has been given a second chance and a new purpose. He thanks the doctor for everything he has done for him. He tells him that he is his best friend and his hero. He tells him that he owes him his life.

The Ring is a captivating and suspenseful novel that keeps the reader guessing until the end. It is also a touching and inspiring story of how a man overcomes his madness and finds his happiness. Bernard Smith creates a vivid and realistic portrait of the characters and the setting, and explores the themes of love, betrayal, guilt and forgiveness. The Ring is a masterpiece of psychological fiction that will appeal to fans of mystery and romance.[ENG][Crack][UPD].md


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