The SM50B application was designed to be a small tool that reads out line data and error states from the famous SpeedModems 50B(+) and 200 (which are in fact CellPipe 19A-BX-AR modems with various firmwares). The software might work on other modems with Trendchip chipsets.
DSL as in ADSL or SDSL is very sensitive to line quality since most telephone lines are unshielded and therefore quite vulnerable to radio interference. Also, very long lines either outside or inside your house can affect the signal big time. I experienced a lot of these problems here (which caused the modem to sync at a rate way too slow and irregular disconnections from the internet). There were other tools which displayed SNR (signal noise ratio) over frequency and line attenuation on other modems.
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SM50B With Registration Code Free [Mac/Win] (Latest)
Ver. 2.1 will support a very large number of SSIDs (up to 16 SSIDs) and connection mode (CFV, ACFC, etc.) on line data
Ver. 2.3 will support 12 SSIDs and connection mode on ADSL lines
SpeedMODEM SpeedAdaptors 50B+ and 200
These units are marketed in Europe and South America by Trend (Trendchip brand). The units were originally developed by the house W.W. Elektronik GmbH and distributed in the U.S. by Telcordia Technologies in the early 1990s. The key parameters of the original units are explained below and courtesy of Tim DiDio, who broke apart the original 50B+ at the time and made this very detailed report.
The SpeedModems 50B+ and 200 were originally designed to replace older Bell (Minitel) modems. The SpeedModems 50B+ replaced the older TDK Minitel 80B. The SpeedModems 200 were a direct replacement of the more expensive 100B.
The 50B+ originally ran a “Bell SpeedModem” firmwares, while the 200 were sold with the newer firmwares. The new firmwares are more compatible with the other Bell branded modems (Series 3 & 4).
Whilst the Bell Firmwares have a username/password system, the “Bell SpeedModem” does not. Customers have complained to Bell about the issues with logging in etc. The username/password system of Bell was designed for “Bell Dial-up” users where a modem bank of modems required a username/password to be supplied to a terminal computer, like a PC. The newer Bell branded modems do not require a username/password system (see Bell User Manuals).
The SpeedModem 200 was also marketed in Europe by Telcordia Technologies and was compatible with the newer Telcordia DSBSC200 digital loop carrier (see above).
The SpeedModems are now becoming available in the Asia Pacific market.
Modem SpeedAdaptors have compatible firmware to the 50B+ and 200 modems.
SpeedAdaptors have a serial port and, when coupled to the 50B+, provide the user with the ability to connect via a serial line. Once a connection has been made the SpeedAdaptor can also be used to dial directly to the 50B+ for connection without using the modem.
The 50B
SM50B Crack
· Line only
· At line speed
· Raw data with no noise compition
· Programmable
· Display
· LEDs for each line
SM100B Description:
· Line and tone (on a channel that it is programmed to read)
· High and low pass filters (to select the channel)
· Filtering pattern which can be changed
· Displaying the filtered lines
· Realtime values of the filters
· Linear or logarithmic scale (1 to 20)
The SM100B application was designed to be a small tool that reads out line data and error states from the famous SpeedModems 100B and 200 (which are in fact CellPipe 19A-BX-AR modems with various firmwares). The software might work on other modems with Trendchip chipsets.
DSL as in ADSL or SDSL is very sensitive to line quality since most telephone lines are unshielded and therefore quite vulnerable to radio interference. Also, very long lines either outside or inside your house can affect the signal big time. I experienced a lot of these problems here (which caused the modem to sync at a rate way too slow and irregular disconnections from the internet). There were other tools which displayed SNR (signal noise ratio) over frequency and line attenuation on other modems.
SM100B Description:
· Line and tone (on a channel that it is programmed to read)
· High and low pass filters (to select the channel)
· Filtering pattern which can be changed
· Displaying the filtered lines
· Realtime values of the filters
· Linear or logarithmic scale (1 to 20)
Read information from the serial port and display it on a text line (unlike /rtsync which displays readings on the serial port). The application is able to understand 2 types of different line-protocols: BNC and TNC. The hardware (a, b, c and d) is used to choose a serial-port. If no serial port is configured, it uses the first available serial port on your PC.
mfaxium is a Firefox extension which can be used to view MFBF (Modified File Bins Format) files. It displays the files from a Dropbox folder in a list with a preview image, and can be used to download and play files.
SM50B Crack
The SM50B application requires just three components: The modem used, a standard PC with Win98 SE, WinNT or WinME and a serial port cable (USB cable is not recommended as it is too slow).
The SM50B application was written in C++ and is not designed to read or write any modems configuration files.
I used the following line cards/modems for testing:
Freephone modems:
1. CSL Telegex PCM3
2. CSL Telegex PCM A2
3. Olean Fasttrak 5.
4. Olean Fasttrak 6.
DSL modems:
1. Whistler XMAC 75a
2. Whistler XMAC 175a
3. Verisure VDSS
All the modems are verified as matching with the firmware table here:
Problem cases:
I have encountered some problems using various modems:
1. Many modems have a single TSNs for channel 0 and a couple of TSNs for channel 1. The SNR for channel 0 might be okay but the SNR for channel 1 might be less than 2 (SNR less than 20dB).
I recommend using channel 0 and 1 in pairs which will assure a real good SNR.
2. The SNR for 50B modems with the firmware in the above table might be insufficient.
Unfortunately I don’t have a good solution for this except for using the DATs/CVSD modems.
3. The SNRs displayed by many modems might be just a typo. The main problem with the SNR is that it is listed as “avg. SNR” which makes it very vague.
I also recommend using the SNR of the receiving side which in turn might be changed by the client and by the server.
4. The modems are too small for my test-rig.
5. Test telephones are not suitable for testing as the telephone line should be connected with an ordinary ADSL line.
6. Modems
What’s New in the?
The SM50B is a software designed to enhance the performance of your modems and DSL modems. Normally, a soft modem is not a fast modem. But you can get a lot of performance boost from SM50B for all of you who are currently using the rather old SpeedModems 5000 series.
Features of SM50B:
Runs on all Windows versions since 98.
Can work on a range of devices which have a TrendChip chipset (VM/2, X84A,…).
Easy installation by simple copying the software to your computer hard drive.
Works with up to 4 modems. You can set the modems to sync up in pairs with a defined time-out to avoid destroying your hard drive if one modem loses its connection.
The software will periodically monitor for sms traffic. This is commonly used by speed modems to communicate to their controlling software or for registration, login etc.
Displays line SNR (Signal Noise Ratio) for the whole frequency band (up to 20 MHz). SNR is also displayed for each frequency channel (1 to 20).
Displays line attenuation for the whole frequency band (up to 20 MHz).
Displays noise at the input of the modem (so you can check if a cable is broken and not the modem).
If you want to display noise also at the output of the modem, you must first activate the noise tests which are available in the SM50B software.
SM50B Specifications:
Version: 1.0.0
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows 10 32-bit and 64-bit; Vista and 7 are not supported.
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 CPU with 1 GHz
RAM: 512 MB
Storage Space: 80 MB
FREQUENCIES(50B+) 200C(200C+)
2.5 MHz
3.0 MHz
2.5 MHz
3.0 MHz
2.5 MHz
3.0 MHz
2.5 MHz
3.0 MHz
2.5 MHz
3.0 MHz
Software Requirements:
Windows XP or higher.
Windows Vista or higher.
Memory: 512 MB of RAM or more.
Processor: Intel Pentium 4 2.0 GHz or AMD Phen
System Requirements For SM50B:
OS: Windows XP/Vista/7/8
CPU: Dual Core 2GHz
Memory: 256MB
Video: DirectX 11
Network: Broadband Internet Connection
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