AutoCAD 20.1 💨

author image by lathou | | 0 Comments | August 10, 2022







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Top reasons to use AutoCAD Free Download:

Professional design tools

Price is always an issue, especially when it comes to a profession. There are many free-to-use and open-source CAD softwares out there. AutoCAD is a completely open-source CAD package that is available to the public and it costs $4000 (€3435 as of this writing, in July 2017).

AutoCAD is designed for the working architect and engineer, not the hobbyist. It’s professional software, optimized for fast creation of detailed design projects. If you’re a working architect or engineer, then AutoCAD is worth the money.

Powerful drawing tools

AutoCAD is the premier software used by architects and engineers. It offers tools for all phases of design and drafting, from sketching to visualization. You can easily start the drawing from a model, or draw on top of existing designs. AutoCAD also features an extensive toolset, from dimensional drawing to architectural drawing.

User-friendly interface

AutoCAD is very easy to use for both beginners and experts. Anyone can quickly understand the basic functions without wasting time learning how to use the application.

High-end 3D visualization capabilities

AutoCAD is one of the most powerful software packages for 3D visualization and rendering. It offers all the 3D drawing tools such as extrusion, isometric, sectioning, and clipping. These tools allow you to create detailed drawings of any size, unlimited viewing angles, and even animated scenes.

Protected environment

Autodesk gives their software a clean software environment. It removes viruses from the system and saves the environment from instability issues that are common with other programs. It’s best to use the latest version of the software since it offers more security.

Autodesk gives their software a clean software environment. It removes viruses from the system and saves the environment from instability issues that are common with other programs. It’s best to use the latest version of the software since it offers more security. Great security features

AutoCAD uses the latest security measures to keep its users safe and it always keeps the latest patches and updates from the vendor installed.

Final word

When it comes to CAD software, AutoCAD remains one of the best options. It’s designed to help you create efficient drawings for architectural and engineering projects. Its wide range of drawing features makes it one of the best options in the market.

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AutoCAD supports Python (formally ActiveState Python) by offering a Python 2.x API, as well as a Python 3.x API. The API is similar to the VBA API, but uses a few different functions.

Python for AutoCAD
Python for AutoCAD is a Python API that exposes AutoCAD function to a Python application. Python for AutoCAD is most useful in applications requiring control of AutoCAD functionality at a scripting level.

AutoCAD also supports Perl. The current version of AutoCAD supports Perl 5, which was first released in 1997. AutoCAD modules were developed by Visual LISP script writers who also wrote AutoCAD LISP routines to write the script code and integrate it with AutoCAD.

UDL (User-Defined Language) is an extension for AutoCAD and similar programs. It is a programming language that can be used by programers to add their own special commands to existing programs. UDL can also be used to add custom object definitions and to add new 3D modeling and animation capabilities to AutoCAD. A simple example of a UDL program would be:

Global AutoCAD object “myline” with Properties “Color” “Flamingo” and “Width” “3”.

Line myline from point 1 to 2 with “myline”.


The output should look like this:

This example was created by Nicklas N. Petterson.

The original AutoCAD supported UDL – FLT. This is a language for the 3D scripting of AutoCAD. It is a separate development project that has different goals than UDL. It is a script language that is developed by Oliver Hannemann and is freely available to the AutoCAD community.

The first version of UDL-FLT was released in September 2005. UDL-FLT was then taken over by the team of Hans Bernd Martin and Gilles van den Bosch and has been supported and developed by Hans Bernd Martin and Gilles van den Bosch. They created a UDL that is similar to the syntax used in Visual LISP and Visual Basic. UDL-FLT currently has 50 commands and supports user created libraries. One of the main goals of UDL-FLT was to make the use of the scripting language easier

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Python installation

In Python 2.6 and higher the following packages are available for installation::


In Python 2.5 and lower use the following instead::


In Python 2.5 and lower, the libserial package includes a Python console and is intended for interactive programming.

To use the console, you need to install libserial 1.0 from the libserial package instead of the libserial1 package.

To install, go to Control Panel -> Programs -> Add or Remove programs -> Python Console.

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Simplify your time spent in the project management application through easy-to-use multi-functionality that helps you with the creation of documentation, annotations, and inspections. Export models to PDF, vector and image formats and automatically add information for sharing with your customers and coworkers.

Inspection, Digital Surface Modeling and Google Earth

Ai360 Inspection:

Ai360 inspection, designed for designers and manufacturing technicians, offers faster, more comprehensive solutions for your projects. Use the inspector to mark up-to-scale areas of a drawing, identify faults, adjust tolerances, and record/plot a full set of dimensional measurements.

With Ai360 Digital Surface Modeling (DSM), you can quickly generate accurate surface models in a drawing. The application uses a cloud-based platform for computing and sharing the models. By creating models with fewer data points (points) and using fewer points for stitching, the models can be created in less time.

The hybrid surface model app, Ai360 Google Earth, lets you add surface models and images to your Google Earth maps. With the app, you can generate and export surface models, as well as create, add and edit points.


Use ArcGIS Data Viewer for sharing drawing data from ArcGIS Online with your team, integrate CAD data and GIS data to create complex geospatial datasets, and publish paper models in 3D, for even easier sharing and collaboration.

Advanced Excel VBA – Simplify the development of Excel macros

AutoCAD’s advanced Excel VBA is now available on both Windows and Mac platforms. This feature provides powerful functions for automating the development of macros. Add to any VBA-enabled Excel file function blocks for performing tasks automatically, view all code in a block from a single screen, and interact with Excel’s user interface (UI) from macros, all while writing VBA code in a separate editor window.

Windows Excel:

Simplify and automate the development of Excel macros through visual programming with Excel’s UI.

Mac Excel:

A visual programming interface for Mac Office. Add to any Excel VBA file function blocks for performing tasks automatically, view all code in a block from a single screen, and interact with Excel’s user interface from macros, all while writing VBA code in a separate editor window.


Use an Internet

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Processor: 1.8GHz dual-core Intel Core 2 Duo or better
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Video: 1024 x 768
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Additional Notes: Microsoft claims 1 GB of free space to install the game
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