Meshmixer 10.9.246 💚

author image by lathou | | 0 Comments | December 9, 2022

Meshmixer is a 3D modelling application that provides you with the necessary tools for designing and printing 3D objects. It lets you compose models from scratch or explore a library and pick the models to work with.
Simple setup and pleasant interface
After a fast setup procedure that doesn't need special attention, you are greeted by an attractive and intuitive interface, which invites you to import sample objects from a built-in library or Mesh files (.obj, .ply, .stl, .amf, .mix), or open existing scenes (.mix).
For instance, you can import a bunny, sphere, plane or reference. The bottom part of the main app window shows the total vertices and triangles, and you can use the right-click mouse button to change the perspective of the design.
Draw, insert and customize mesh regions
Meshmixer puts a few drawing tools at your disposal, and each of them has configurable options. For instance, you can make a selection using Lasso or brush (sphere, sphere disc or unwrap brush), adjust the size and crease angle, or allow back faces.
Once a selection is made, you can replace the mesh region (flat minimal, flat remeshed, smooth MVC) and tweak the refine, smooth, scale and bulge levels. It's also possible to discard a selection, reduce a region, remesh, extrude or extract the selected area, change its offset, create a plane cut, attract surfaces to other surfaces, as well as convert to stamp, solid or open part.
Insert objects and analyze mesh information
What's more, you can transform, smoothen or warp a region, invert the selection, optimize boundaries, create facegroups, sculpt the surface with dynamic mesh refinement, customize colors, set the falloff type (e.g. bubble, linear, spike), show a symmetry plane, apply filters, insert stamp changes, or edit objects via mirroring, duplication, transformation, alignment, plane cuts, hollow, close cracks, or separate shells.
It's also possible to inspect and repair mesh defects (flat, minimal or small fill), take measurements, modify the measurement units and grid size, thicken the mesh lines, change the orientation, embed various shaders, and so on. The project can be exported to OBJ (simple or with per-vertex color), COLLADA (.dae), PLY, STL ASCII or binary, AMF, or VRML format.
Evaluation and conclusion
The software application used a moderate amount of RAM and low CPU during our tests. It executed commands swiftly and didn't hang or crash. Several error messages popped up when we attempted to select some edit options, though (e.g. tube handle, bridge). Keyboard shortcuts are supported, and hints are spread across the interface to explain each selected tool.
Thanks to its interactive interface and advanced options (not to mention that it's freeware), Meshmixer proves to be a reliable 3D modelling program with a surprisingly rich set of features under its hood. It can be handled by expert users or beginners who want to learn more about 3D moddelling in an fun way.







Meshmixer Free Download [32|64bit] 2022

A powerful application for compositing 3D mesh models from scratch or from imported data. Meshmixer features sophisticated tools for sculpting, modifying, and improving mesh models.Q:

WordPress register_meta and update_meta

I have searched everywhere for an answer to this, but I cannot find it.
I am trying to create a custom field for WordPress, and then update the post data.
The field I am creating looks like this:
function showpostpostmeta( $post_id, $meta_key, $meta_value ) {
$args = array( ‘post_type’ => ‘post’,’meta_key’ => ‘post_rating’, ‘post_id’ => $post_id );
$query = new WP_Query( $args );
if ( $query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $query->have_posts() ) {
$r = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘rating’, true );
update_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘rating’, $r + $meta_value );
} else {
update_post_meta( get_the_ID(), ‘rating’, $meta_value );
add_action(‘save_post’,’showpostpostmeta’ );
add_filter( ‘post_updated_meta’,’showpostpostmeta’ );
add_filter( ‘post_updated_gmt’,’showpostpostmeta’ );

I thought this would work. I am getting the output, but the data I am trying to pass is not getting updated. When I run this directly through PHP, it works as I want.
I tried running $meta_value = $r + 1; which works fine if I do it directly in the PHP script.


You should use
update_post_meta( $post_id, ‘post_rating’, $r + $

Meshmixer Crack With License Code Free Download [Latest-2022]

A 3D modeling application.
Make your own 3D models and prints.
Import library and sample models, browse for models, make new objects.
Compose, design and print in 3D.
Build your own objects and prints.
Key features:
3D modeling of objects, meshes and spaces in 3D.
Import 3D models from your hard drive.
2D mesh and 3D model editing.
Full 3D object and model modeling.
3D printing of your objects.
Save and open 3D models to 3D form.
Save and open 3D files in your hard drive.
Import models from 3D viewers.
Edit mesh regions.
Organize, merge, split and flatten mesh regions.
Delete mesh regions.
Reverse mesh regions.
Create and select mesh regions.
Adjust mesh region size.
Transform mesh regions.
Adjust mesh region edge length.
Rotate mesh regions.
Refine mesh regions.
Move mesh regions.
Scale mesh regions.
Decimate mesh regions.
Zoom in and out mesh regions.
Smooth mesh regions.
Smooth mesh regions and select smoothing filter.
Smooth mesh regions.
Smooth mesh regions and select smoothing filter.
Insert and insert mesh parts.
Attach mesh parts.
Split mesh parts.
Extrude mesh parts.
Extract mesh parts.
Insert mesh parts.
Delete mesh parts.
Attach mesh parts.
Delete mesh parts.
Connect mesh parts.
Change order of mesh parts.
Remove and insert mesh parts.
Reverse mesh parts.
Invert mesh parts.
Split mesh parts.
Flatten mesh parts.
Show mirroring surface.
Show plane cut.
Show surface cut.
Show and move surface cuts.
Show and move plane cuts.
Show and move shell cuts.
Show and move shell cuts.
Show and move shell parts.
Show and move shell parts.
Select mirror.
Select surface cut.
Select plane cut.
Select surface cut.
Select plane cut.
Select shell cut.
Select shell cut.
Select shell part.
Select shell part.
Select shell part.
Import and save 3D files.
Export and save 3D files.
Export and save 3D files.
Export and save 3D files.
Export and save 3D files.
Reviews and

Meshmixer Crack+ [April-2022]

Try creating your own 3D objects with this easy to use 3D modelling application. Create objects from scratch or explore a library and pick the models to work with.

There is a library of 3D models to import directly.
You can create your own meshes using the modelling tools.
You can then add textures to the meshes, and you can modify any aspect of the mesh.

You can analyse any of the meshes or groups of meshes you have created. You can measure, render, warp, remesh, extrude, flatten, smooth, merge, subdivide and scale the meshes. You can also display the mesh as a wire frame, as a solid, as an array of faces, or as a silhouette.

You can apply the solidify modifier to create solid meshes. You can add clothing or weight to the meshes and create rigid bodies.

And you can export your 3D creations as several different formats.
The tutorials and help documentation are easy to find and, as always with the author’s free software, very extensive.

The application was installed on a PC running Windows 7 64 bit.

In the 4.1 update, I found a bug where for some reason a mesh that is a duplication of another would display the original mesh inside the duplicate instead of the duplicate mesh. This meant that for some models duplicating the mesh would result in a large number of duplicated meshes.

In the 4.2 update, a couple of minor bugs have been fixed.

You can try the latest version of the software here:

I have also put up a couple of free sample videos here:

If you like it, you can buy me a coffee at:

A friendly greeting,



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What’s New in the?

Meshmixer is a 3D modelling application that provides you with the necessary tools for designing and printing 3D objects. It lets you compose models from scratch or explore a library and pick the models to work with.
Simple setup and pleasant interface
After a fast setup procedure that doesn't need special attention, you are greeted by an attractive and intuitive interface, which invites you to import sample objects from a built-in library or Mesh files (.obj,.ply,.stl,.amf,.mix), or open existing scenes (.mix).
For instance, you can import a bunny, sphere, plane or reference. The bottom part of the main app window shows the total vertices and triangles, and you can use the right-click mouse button to change the perspective of the design.
Draw, insert and customize mesh regions
Meshmixer puts a few drawing tools at your disposal, and each of them has configurable options. For instance, you can make a selection using Lasso or brush (sphere, sphere disc or unwrap brush), adjust the size and crease angle, or allow back faces.
Once a selection is made, you can replace the mesh region (flat minimal, flat remeshed, smooth MVC) and tweak the refine, smooth, scale and bulge levels. It's also possible to discard a selection, reduce a region, remesh, extrude or extract the selected area, change its offset, create a plane cut, attract surfaces to other surfaces, as well as convert to stamp, solid or open part.
Insert objects and analyze mesh information
What's more, you can transform, smoothen or warp a region, invert the selection, optimize boundaries, create facegroups, sculpt the surface with dynamic mesh refinement, customize colors, set the falloff type (e.g. bubble, linear, spike), show a symmetry plane, apply filters, insert stamp changes, or edit objects via mirroring, duplication, transformation, alignment, plane cuts, hollow, close cracks, or separate shells.
It's also possible to inspect and repair mesh defects (flat, minimal or small fill), take measurements, modify the measurement units and grid size, thicken the mesh lines, change the orientation, embed various shaders, and so on. The project can be exported to OBJ (simple or with per-vertex color), COLLADA (.dae), PLY, STL ASCII or binary, AMF, or VRML format.
Evaluation and conclusion
The software application used a moderate amount of RAM and low CPU during our tests. It executed commands swiftly and didn't hang or crash. Several error messages popped up when we attempted to select some edit options, though (e.g. tube handle, bridge). Keyboard shortcuts are supported, and hints are spread across the interface to!!HOT!!

System Requirements For Meshmixer:

Windows 10, 8.1, 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008, Server 2003
Processor: Dual Core 2.0GHz or better
Memory: 2GB RAM (6GB for heavy battles)
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce 400 or ATI Radeon HD 2600 or better
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 10GB free space
Broadcast Video Software:
Windows Media Center /
Windows Media Player

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