Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam Meaning Of [EXCLUSIVE]

author image by lathou | 0 Comments | July 10, 2023


Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam Meaning Of

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a classical Tamil poem that is often performed as a dance item in Bharatanatyam, a traditional Indian dance form. The poem describes the enchanting flute-playing of Lord Krishna, the supreme deity in Hinduism, and how he captivates the hearts of the gopis, the cowherd maidens who are his devotees and lovers.

The Origin and Composition of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

The origin and authorship of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam are not clear, but it is believed to be composed by Tanjore Quartet, a group of four brothers who were prolific composers and musicians in the 19th century. They are credited with codifying the Bharatanatyam repertoire and creating many compositions for dance and music. Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is one of their shabdams, which are lyrical pieces that combine poetry and music.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is set in ragamalika, which means a garland of ragas or musical scales. It uses four different ragas: Kambhoji, Shanmukhapriya, Bilahari, and Madhyamavati. Each raga has its own mood and emotion, and the composer skillfully switches between them to create contrast and variety. The poem also uses mishra chapu tala, which is a rhythmic cycle of seven beats.

The Meaning and Significance of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a tribute to the divine beauty and charm of Krishna, who is depicted as a young cowherd boy playing his flute in the forests of Vrindavan. The poem has four verses, each describing a different aspect of his flute-playing and its effect on the gopis.

  • The first verse says that Krishna plays his flute without the knowledge of his parents or his fellow cowherds, who belong to the Yadava clan. He steals the hearts of the gopis with his magic and makes them forget everything else.
  • The second verse says that when he plays his flute with his curly hair swinging and his beautiful face glowing, the frightened deer stop grazing and lose themselves in his music. He also mesmerizes the peacocks, who are his symbols.
  • The third verse says that he embraces his flute with his little fingers and slants his lotus eyes in concentration. He plays his flute with such skill and grace that even the birds come close to him in wonder.
  • The fourth verse says that when the gopis hear his flute music, they run to him with love and devotion. They lose themselves in divine meditation on him, who is also known as Govinda, Balan, and Kamala Kannan.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poetic expression of the love between Krishna and the gopis, which is considered to be the highest form of devotion in Hinduism. It also showcases the power of music as a medium of communication between the human and the divine. The poem celebrates the joy and bliss of being in union with Krishna, who is the source of all beauty and happiness.

The Performance and Interpretation of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a popular dance item in Bharatanatyam, which is a classical dance form that originated in Tamil Nadu, India. Bharatanatyam is known for its graceful movements, expressive gestures, and intricate footwork. It combines three aspects: nritta, which is pure dance; nritya, which is expressive dance; and natya, which is dramatic dance.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is an example of nritya, which uses abhinaya or facial expressions and mudras or hand gestures to convey the meaning and emotion of the poem. The dancer also uses eye movements, head tilts, and body postures to enhance the expression. The dancer usually wears a colorful costume and jewelry, and has bells tied to the ankles to accentuate the rhythm.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam can be performed as a solo or a group item. The dancer or dancers enact the role of the gopis who are mesmerized by Krishna’s flute-playing. They also imitate the actions of Krishna and the animals that are attracted by his music. The dancer or dancers use various techniques such as sanchari bhava, which is expanding on the theme; rasa, which is evoking the mood; and bhava, which is showing the emotion.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam can be interpreted in different ways by different dancers and audiences. Some may see it as a literal depiction of the love story between Krishna and the gopis. Some may see it as a metaphor for the spiritual quest of the soul for the supreme reality. Some may see it as a celebration of nature and its harmony with the divine. Some may see it as a reflection of their own feelings and experiences.


Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a beautiful and captivating poem that reveals the glory and grace of Krishna, the flute-playing god. It is also a delightful and dynamic dance item that showcases the skill and expression of Bharatanatyam, the classical dance form. It is a poem and a dance that can touch the hearts and minds of anyone who listens to it or watches it.

The History and Culture of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that belongs to the rich and ancient tradition of Tamil literature, which dates back to more than 2000 years. Tamil is one of the oldest and most widely spoken languages in the world, and has a vast and varied corpus of literary works. Tamil literature is divided into two main categories: agam, which deals with love and human emotions; and puram, which deals with war and social issues.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is an example of agam literature, which is further classified into five types based on the landscape and the mood. These are kurinji, which is mountainous and depicts union; mullai, which is forested and depicts patience; marudam, which is agricultural and depicts quarrel; neydal, which is coastal and depicts separation; and palai, which is desert-like and depicts lamentation. Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam belongs to the kurinji type, as it portrays the union of Krishna and the gopis in the mountainous region of Vrindavan.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam also reflects the culture and lifestyle of the people who composed and performed it. The poem uses words and imagery that are related to the cowherding profession, such as ayar, sheriyar, gopalan, balan, etc. The poem also expresses the devotion and love that the people had for Krishna, who was their protector and benefactor. The poem also celebrates the beauty and bounty of nature, which was their source of livelihood and joy.

The Art and Science of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that demonstrates the art and science of poetry and music in Tamil. The poem follows the rules and conventions of Tamil grammar and prosody, which are complex and sophisticated. The poem uses various poetic devices such as alliteration, rhyme, metaphor, simile, personification, etc. to create beauty and meaning. The poem also uses various musical devices such as raga, tala, gamaka, etc. to create melody and rhythm.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that also illustrates the concept of navarasas or nine emotions in Tamil aesthetics. These are shringara or love; hasya or laughter; karuna or compassion; raudra or anger; veera or courage; bhayanaka or fear; bibhatsa or disgust; adbhuta or wonder; and shanta or peace. The poem evokes different emotions in different verses depending on the situation and the mood. For example, the first verse evokes shringara or love as it describes the attraction between Krishna and the gopis; the second verse evokes adbhuta or wonder as it describes the effect of Krishna’s music on the animals; the third verse evokes hasya or laughter as it describes Krishna’s playful antics with his flute; and the fourth verse evokes shanta or peace as it describes the meditation of the gopis on Krishna.

The Influence and Impact of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that has influenced and impacted many people and fields over the years. The poem has inspired and enriched many dancers and musicians who have performed and composed it in various styles and forms. The poem has also influenced and educated many scholars and researchers who have studied and analyzed it from various perspectives and disciplines. The poem has also influenced and touched many devotees and seekers who have found spiritual guidance and solace in it.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that has also transcended the boundaries of time and space. The poem has been preserved and transmitted through oral and written traditions for centuries. The poem has also been translated and adapted into many languages and cultures around the world. The poem has also been disseminated and popularized through various media and platforms such as books, magazines, radio, television, internet, etc.

The Future and Relevance of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that has a bright future and relevance in the modern world. The poem has a timeless appeal and universal message that can resonate with anyone regardless of their background or belief. The poem has a creative potential and artistic value that can inspire and challenge anyone who wants to explore or express it. The poem has a spiritual depth and wisdom that can enlighten and empower anyone who wants to seek or experience it.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that can be enjoyed and appreciated by anyone who loves poetry, music, dance, or Krishna. It is a poem that can be learned and practiced by anyone who wants to improve their skills or knowledge in Tamil literature, Bharatanatyam, or Hinduism. It is a poem that can be shared and celebrated by anyone who wants to connect with others or themselves through art, culture, or devotion.

The Challenges and Opportunities of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that also poses some challenges and opportunities for the people who are involved with it. The poem requires a lot of dedication and discipline to master and perform it, as it involves complex and nuanced language, music, and dance. The poem also requires a lot of sensitivity and awareness to interpret and present it, as it involves diverse and delicate themes, emotions, and contexts. The poem also requires a lot of innovation and collaboration to adapt and promote it, as it involves changing and competitive scenarios, audiences, and expectations.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that also offers some benefits and rewards for the people who are involved with it. The poem provides a lot of satisfaction and joy to create and enjoy it, as it involves beautiful and captivating poetry, music, and dance. The poem also provides a lot of insight and growth to understand and appreciate it, as it involves profound and meaningful themes, emotions, and contexts. The poem also provides a lot of inspiration and empowerment to share and celebrate it, as it involves uplifting and universal scenarios, audiences, and expectations.

The Summary and Recommendation of Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that is a masterpiece of Tamil literature, Bharatanatyam, and Hinduism. It is a poem that depicts the love between Krishna and the gopis through his flute-playing. It is a poem that uses various ragas, talas, poetic devices, musical devices, and navarasas to create beauty and meaning. It is a poem that has influenced and impacted many people and fields over the years. It is a poem that has a bright future and relevance in the modern world. It is a poem that poses some challenges and opportunities for the people who are involved with it. It is a poem that offers some benefits and rewards for the people who are involved with it.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in poetry, music, dance, or Krishna. It is a poem that can enrich your life in many ways. It is a poem that you can read or listen to, watch or perform, study or teach, enjoy or appreciate, share or celebrate. It is a poem that you can make your own.


Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that is a masterpiece of Tamil literature, Bharatanatyam, and Hinduism. It is a poem that depicts the love between Krishna and the gopis through his flute-playing. It is a poem that uses various ragas, talas, poetic devices, musical devices, and navarasas to create beauty and meaning. It is a poem that has influenced and impacted many people and fields over the years. It is a poem that has a bright future and relevance in the modern world. It is a poem that poses some challenges and opportunities for the people who are involved with it. It is a poem that offers some benefits and rewards for the people who are involved with it.

Ayar Sheriyar Shabdam is a poem that I highly recommend to anyone who is interested in poetry, music, dance, or Krishna. It is a poem that can enrich your life in many ways. It is a poem that you can read or listen to, watch or perform, study or teach, enjoy or appreciate, share or celebrate. It is a poem that you can make your own.



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