BONEWORKS: The Ultimate VR Game for Physics Lovers

If you are looking for a VR game that will challenge your mind and body with its realistic and immersive physics simulation, you might want to check out BONEWORKS. BONEWORKS is a 2019 first-person shooter VR game developed and published by Stress Level Zero. The game is designed to be entirely physics-based, with the player controlling a full virtual body that responds not just to the player’s real-world input but also to obstructions in the game world.

In BONEWORKS, you play as Arthur Ford, a rogue cybersecurity director who escapes into an unfinished simulated universe, battling through surreal architecture and mysterious scenes with a variety of experimental physics-based weaponry. You can interact with everything in the game world, from small objects like cups and hammers to large objects like crates and barrels. You can also use your fists, guns, or any improvised weapon to fight against enemies that are also affected by physics. You can even climb, jump, crouch, and manipulate your body in any way you want.

BONEWORKS is not a linear game that follows a fixed script. Instead, it is a sandbox game that allows you to explore and experiment with the game mechanics and physics in any way you can imagine. You can solve puzzles, overcome obstacles, or create your own scenarios using the game’s tools and objects. You can also replay the game as many times as you want, trying different approaches and discovering new secrets and possibilities.

How to Play and Enjoy BONEWORKS, the Most Realistic VR Game Ever

BONEWORKS is a game that requires a VR headset and motion controllers to play. The game supports most of the popular VR headsets, such as Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows Mixed Reality. The game also requires a PC that meets the minimum system requirements, which are:

  • OS: Windows 10
  • Processor: quad-core 3.0 GHz or better
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Graphics: GTX 1060 or better
  • Storage: 20 GB available space

To play BONEWORKS, you need to install the game on your PC via Steam, which is a digital distribution platform for games. You also need to set up your VR headset and controllers according to their instructions. Once you launch the game, you will be greeted by a tutorial that will teach you the basics of the game’s controls and physics. You can then choose to start the story mode or the sandbox mode.

The story mode is where you follow the main narrative of the game and explore the different levels and environments. The story mode is divided into several chapters, each with its own theme and challenges. The story mode also has some hidden secrets and Easter eggs that you can find if you look carefully. The story mode takes about 6 to 8 hours to complete on average.

The sandbox mode is where you can create your own scenarios and experiments using the game’s tools and objects. The sandbox mode has several maps that you can choose from, each with its own features and settings. You can also customize the sandbox mode by changing the gravity, time scale, enemy behavior, and other parameters. The sandbox mode is unlimited and offers endless possibilities for fun and creativity.

What are the Features and Benefits of BONEWORKS Game

BONEWORKS game is a VR game that offers many features and benefits that make it stand out from other VR games. Here are some of them:

  • BONEWORKS game has advanced physics mechanics that allow you to interact with the game world in a realistic and consistent way. You can use physics weapons, tools, and objects to fight across dangerous playscapes and mysterious architecture. You can also manipulate your body and environment in any way you want.
  • BONEWORKS game has a rich and immersive story mode that takes you through a mysterious narrative and explores the deep inner workings of the Monogon Industries’ artificial intelligence operating system; Myth OS. You can discover secrets and Easter eggs that reveal more about the game’s lore and backstory.
  • BONEWORKS game has a fun and creative sandbox mode that lets you create your own scenarios and experiments using the game’s tools and objects. You can customize the sandbox mode by changing the gravity, time scale, enemy behavior, and other parameters. You can also share your creations with other players online.
  • BONEWORKS game has a variety of weapons, lots of weapons, that you can use to fight against enemies or just have fun with. You can use guns, swords, axes, clubs, spears, hammers, experimental energy weapons, nonsensical mystery tools, and anomalous physics weapons . You can also find hidden weapons and upgrade them with attachments.
  • BONEWORKS game has a hyper realistic VR object and environment interaction that makes you feel like you are really in the game world . You can pick up, throw, break, smash, or manipulate any object in the game. You can also climb, jump, crouch, or crawl in any direction.

What are the Reviews and Ratings of BONEWORKS Game

BONEWORKS game has received positive reviews and ratings from the players and critics. The game has been praised for its physics simulation, gameplay innovation, story mode, sandbox mode, and graphics. The game has also been appreciated for its replay value and modding potential. Here are some of the reviews and ratings of the game:

  • The game has a rating of 9 out of 10 on IGN, based on their review. The reviewer said that \”BONEWORKS is a phenomenal VR experience that sets a new standard for interactivity\”.
  • The game has a rating of 4 out of 5 on PC Gamer, based on their review. The reviewer said that \”BONEWORKS is an ambitious VR shooter that nails the feeling of wielding guns\”.
  • The game has a rating of 4.5 out of 5 on VR Focus, based on their review. The reviewer said that \”BONEWORKS is one of those rare VR titles which feels like it’s pushing boundaries\”.
  • The game has a rating of 9 out of 10 on Steam, based on over 31 thousand user reviews. The users said that \”BONEWORKS is an amazing VR game that will blow your mind with its physics\”.
  • The game has received positive comments from the players and fans on various social media platforms, such as Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, and Discord. The players said that \”BONEWORKS is a VR game that you have to play to believe\”.

What are the Tips and Tricks for BONEWORKS Game

BONEWORKS game is a game that requires some skill and strategy to play. The game can be challenging and frustrating at times, especially for beginners. However, there are some tips and tricks that can help you play the game better and have more fun. Here are some of them:

  • Save often: BONEWORKS game does not have an autosave feature, so you need to manually save your progress at checkpoints or save stations. You can also use quicksave and quickload buttons on your wrist menu. Saving often will prevent you from losing your progress or having to repeat difficult sections.
  • Use slow motion: BONEWORKS game has a slow motion feature that you can activate by pressing a button on your wrist menu. This will slow down time for everything except you, giving you more time to react and aim. You can use slow motion to dodge bullets, melee attacks, or traps. However, slow motion drains your stamina, so use it wisely.
  • Explore and experiment: BONEWORKS game has a lot of hidden secrets and Easter eggs that you can find by exploring and experimenting with the game world. You can find hidden weapons, items, collectibles, or references to other games or media. You can also try different ways of solving puzzles or overcoming obstacles using physics.
  • Use your environment: BONEWORKS game has a hyper realistic VR object and environment interaction that you can use to your advantage. You can use any object as a weapon or a tool, such as throwing a brick at an enemy or using a chair to block a door. You can also use your environment to hide, cover, or climb.
  • Watch tutorials and videos: BONEWORKS game has a lot of mechanics and features that may not be obvious or intuitive at first. You can watch tutorials and videos from the developers or other players to learn more about the game’s controls, physics, combat, puzzles, and secrets. You can also get some inspiration and ideas from watching other players’ gameplay.

What are the Mods and Updates for BONEWORKS Game

BONEWORKS game is a game that has a lot of modding and updating potential. The game’s developers have been actively supporting the game with updates and patches that fix bugs, improve performance, and add new features and content. The game’s community has also been creating mods and custom maps that enhance the game’s experience and replay value. Here are some of them:

  • Updates: BONEWORKS game has received several updates since its release in December 2019. Some of these updates include adding new weapons, items, enemies, maps, modes, options, achievements, and secrets. Some of these updates also improve the game’s graphics, physics, sound, UI, and VR compatibility.
  • Mods: BONEWORKS game has a modding community that creates mods and custom maps for the game using the game’s tools and assets. Some of these mods add new weapons, items, enemies, maps, modes, options, graphics, sound, UI, and VR features. Some of these mods also change the game’s gameplay, physics, difficulty, or story.
  • How to install mods: To install mods for BONEWORKS game, you need to download the mod files from websites like Nexus Mods or Boneworks Modding Group. You also need to download and install MelonLoader, which is a mod loader for BONEWORKS game. Then you need to copy the mod files into the Mods folder in your BONEWORKS game directory. You can then launch the game with MelonLoader and enjoy the mods.


BONEWORKS game is a VR game that sets a new standard for physics simulation and interactivity. The game offers a rich and immersive story mode, a fun and creative sandbox mode, and a variety of weapons, lots of weapons. The game also allows you to interact with everything in the game world, from small objects to large objects. The game also has a lot of replay value and modding potential, with regular updates and patches from the developers and mods and custom maps from the community. BONEWORKS game is a VR game that you have to play to believe. Download it today and enjoy this amazing VR experience.×[2].md


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