Cloak Of Shadows By Aurola _BEST_

author image by lathou | 0 Comments | November 21, 2022

Cloak Of Shadows By Aurola _BEST_



Cloak Of Shadows By Aurola

with the spell of light casting out its presence, the king begins to take notice of the nameless people. he understands that a day of the light is always better than a day without the light. the man he sends to investigate is named noir. he is a fair-haired man in his early 30s, living alone in a small cabin on the road to the ghostlands. he has a terrible scar down his face that reveals the path of a demon’s claws. he is a neutral man, but his eyes are pure hatred. after he sees aurora and her clothes, he leaps out of his house and runs into the woods to bring the “children of night” back. when he’s discovered, he attempts to call for help, but the bells are destroyed when the kalimpura earthquake shattered the city, and now the people on the road have no warning before noir enters their campsite. noir attempts to intimidate the people in the camp, and when his attempts fail, they fight back, cutting off his face and killing him. in this mess of bodies, the party wanders into the campsite, taking note of the piles of laundry that are still being washed and places around the tent poles where a bowl of oatmeal sits. the clink of pots and pans fills the air as the other people in the camp prepare breakfast. the dwarves, the halfling, and aurora help flora clear a table and then they sit down to eat.

after the meal is over, the other people in the camp say their goodbyes and head east out of the ghostlands. aurola eyes the group, picking up the elf, the halfling, and the hobbling dwarf. the dwarf has a shattered face, while the halfling has a deep, dark scar running down her face. the elf’s lack of scars disturb her, but it’s an obvious mistake,and she’s been called names before. in this case, the group becomes a bit more awkward. after they bid farewell to the circus clan, flora, fauna, and merryweather are brought up to speak in private with aurora and briar rose. aurora tells the fairies that her self-identification is a mistake, as is putting on a different set. in truth, the fairies have been trying to stop her from the moment she decided to follow the party in disguise.

also on the surface of the shadowmere are numerous clay-green graves and stone cenotaphs. as with the drow, the corpses of the shadowmere’s dead residents are raised to shamans who chant and meditate over them, at the very least in the hope of communicating with a shade of the deceased. furthermore, a major blood rite occurs there once per year, the exchange of energies being (in some cases) the only good reason why a dark elf would otherwise be found on the surface of the shadowmere. more often than not, however, the shadowmere’s residents tend to be weak, soft-minded, ill-favored, or otherwise defective drow, hoping that the shaman will grant them a second chance in the abyss by expunging some of their weaknesses through undeath.
the far realm is ruled by the force of the lich kuo-to. (elves in the realms know him as the pale emperor.) kuo-to’s domain is the overdark, a vast, subterranean continent that extends far beneath the surface of faerun and stretches several thousand miles north and south. the vast majority of the continent lies below the sea of fallen stars, which lies above kuo-to’s domain. the ground here is composed of a different substance than the rest of the continent. in fact, much of what the overdark consists of is actually a type of foam that permeates the soil, which in turn permeates whatever is underneath it. this foam forms a multilayer, layered structure of icelike complexity – a layer of stone, another of metal, a layer of granite, then the foam, the stone, and so on.
the forgotten realms exist in a vast, flexible matrix of dimensions and realities. entire histories of the realms are preserved here. knowledge of the past is as important to the wizards of the present as the present is to the wizards of the past. those who study in the lorecrafter’s tower in the forgotten realms’ capital, greyhawk, learn much about the past and future of faerun. here are the highlights of these alternate histories.

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