FileDate Crack Download For PC [2022] 💨

author image by lathou | 0 Comments | December 8, 2022







FileDate Activator [32|64bit]

> filedate.exe test_file.txt – Looks at a file to see what its last access
> time, creation time and last write time are.
> /[ACWS]
> [ACWS] = auto change last write time
> test_file.txt
> Usage
> ——————–
> Format: filedate.exe /[ACWS] ref_file [test_file]
> Examples:
> Format: filedate.exe test_file.txt
> Results:
> test_file.txt
> Last write time:
> 12/18/2007 10:50:36 AM
> Last access time:
> 12/18/2007 10:50:36 AM
> Creation time:
> 12/18/2007 10:51:07 AM
> Format: filedate.exe test_file.txt – This will automatically change the last write
> time for test_file.txt to 12/18/2007 10:51:07 AM
> **********************************************************
> **********************************************************
> FileDate Version History
> ——————–
> Version 3.0:
> New GUI and Online Help
> ——————————————————–
> A new GUI was added to the program to make this program more
> user friendly. All you have to do is enter the name of the
> file and it will display the last write time, last access
> time, creation time and file size.
> Note that with the new GUI you don’t have to enter the full path
> of the file.
> NOTE: To use the new GUI with the old menu interface. Go into
> the directory of the EXE file (or the directory where it is
> installed) and go into the installation directory. Edit the
> MENU.INI file and change the menu command to “FileDate” and
> also change the “General” section to reflect the new path of
> the program.
> FileDate 3.0 Tutorial
> ———————————————
> Version 2.0
> Program changed to be a command line program (to use a GUI
> you still need a Windows NT/2000/XP/2003/Vista client).
> New GUI and Online

FileDate Crack Full Product Key

ACWS = Last Access, Creation, Last Write (defaut), Size (previous ‘-‘)
REF_FILE = Reference file
TEST_FILE = File to be analyzed (previous ‘-‘)
This command line utility can be used as an argument to the main command line tool:
– /[ACWS] [filename] [filename]
or it can be used as a parameter to the command line utilities:
– /[ACWS] [/p] [filename] [/p]
file_d is a command line utility to display the dates of a file.
This utility is a part of the “easy file_managment” command line tool.
file_d [filename]
If no parameters are passed, the following files are displayed:
If a file is passed as a parameter, the following parameters are
/p => File will be displayed in all details (ACWS, CWS, W, Size…)
/n => File will be displayed without details (ACWS, CWS, W, Size…)
/x => Filename will be displayed
/r => Reference filename
/t => Test filename
/m => Month of reference file
/d => Day of reference file
/y => Year of reference file
COMMANDS /[ACWS] /c => Lists the file contents
/[ACWS] /s => Lists the file sizes
/[ACWS] /t => List date and time of the last modification
/[ACWS] /m => List date and time of the last modification
/[ACWS] /d => List date and time of the last modification
/[ACWS] /y => List date and time of the last modification
/[ACWS] /p => Will list all the details on all the files
/[ACWS] /n => Will list only the last modification date and time
/[ACWS] /x => Will list only the filename
/[ACWS] /r => Will list only the reference file
/[ACWS] /t => Will list only the test filename
/[ACWS] /m => Will list only the month of the reference file
/[ACWS] /d => Will list only the day of the reference file
/[ACWS] /y => Will list only the year of the reference file

FileDate Crack

———- ——— ——————————-
Last access time – Last access time of the file.
If the file has been modified recently (in the last one hour,
one minute, one second or one millisecond), the last access time
is set to the current time.
If no modified time is defined, the last modified time
is given by the system.
Creation time – Creation time of the file.
If the file has been created recently (in the last one hour,
one minute, one second or one millisecond), the creation time
is set to the current time.
If no creation time is defined, the file creation time
is given by the system.
Last write time – Last write time of the file.
If the file has been modified recently (in the last one hour,
one minute, one second or one millisecond), the last write time
is set to the current time.
If no modified time is defined, the last modified time
is given by the system.
File size – File size of the file.
If the file has been modified recently (in the last one hour,
one minute, one second or one millisecond), the file size is set
to the current size.
If no modified size is defined, the file size
is given by the system.
Date – Display the current date in the form YYYYMMDDDD.
Convenience command – Display current time in the form: HH:MM:SS
– Show the access time of the file named “myfile.txt”:
filedate.exe /A /C myfile.txt
– If the file named “myfile.txt” was not modified for one
hour, one minute, one second or one millisecond,
show the last access time:
filedate.exe /A /C myfile.txt
– Show the creation time of the file named “myfile.txt”
– Show the creation time of the file named “myfile.txt”
– Show the last write time of the file named “myfile.txt”:
filedate.exe /W /C myfile.txt
– Show the last write time of the file named “myfile.txt”
– Show the file size of the file named “myfile.txt”
– Display the last modified date of the file named “myfile.txt”:

What’s New In?

This program is part of the suite of Windows tools available under GPL
License. For more information on the usage of these tools please refer to
the GNU Project home page.

Version info:
9-15-2012 – This is the latest released version of the program

Description of the program

The program is a command line utility designed to display the dates of files or compare them.

The command line arguments are:
– A = last Access time
– C = Creation time
– W = last Write time (defaut)
– S = file Size
– Date format: Hour:Minute:Second.Milliseconds

Let us examine the example below:
$ filedate.exe “/ACW” /tmp/test1.txt
-A:Wed Sep 27 15:35:01 2004
-C:Tue Oct 28 21:25:52 2004
-W:Wed Sep 27 15:35:01 2004
Date format: Hour:Minute:Second.Milliseconds
$ filedate.exe “/ACW” /tmp/test2.txt
-A:Thu Sep 28 15:35:01 2004
-C:Fri Sep 29 21:25:52 2004
-W:Thu Sep 28 15:35:01 2004
Date format: Hour:Minute:Second.Milliseconds

What happened
A = last Access time
C = Creation time
W = last Write time (defaut)
S = file Size

The last access time (A) was set by default with the first date/time information displayed. The Creation date (C) was also set to the first date/time information displayed. The last write time (W) is displayed only if the the last access time and the creation time are not the same as the date/time information displayed.

The last write time (W) is not displayed by default because it may have been changed since the last file date was displayed. For example the last write time of a file may be changed by an application such as Notepad that writes to the file.
The file size (S) was set to the first date/time information displayed.
The date format is the date format that is used when the user specifies that the “date format” be used. The default date format is the same as the “NLS_DATE_FORMAT” environment variable.

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System Requirements:

– Windows Vista or above
– Pentium IV 1.7GHz or higher
– 1GB RAM or higher
– 2GB Free space on hard disk
– Direct X 9c or higher
– Standard DirectX plug-in
– Internet Explorer 9 or higher
– Microsoft Silverlight is required to play the in-game videos on Youtube.
– Media Center Plug-in 11 or higher.
– Windows Media Player 12 or higher.
– Mac OSX 10.6 or higher
Extended Details

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