Free Download Film Khalid Bin Walid Subtitle Indonesia 🖐🏿


Free Download: The Amazing Story of Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian Subtitles

If you are looking for a film that will inspire you to be a better Muslim, you should not miss the film Khalid bin Walid. This film tells the story of one of the greatest military leaders in Islamic history, who was known as the Sword of Allah. Khalid bin Walid was a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and played a crucial role in spreading Islam across Arabia and beyond.

Who was Khalid bin Walid?

Khalid bin Walid was born in Makkah in 592 CE, into the tribe of Quraysh. He was a brave and skilled warrior, who fought against the Muslims in the battles of Badr and Uhud. However, he later embraced Islam and became one of the most loyal and devoted followers of the Prophet (PBUH). He was given the title of “Sword of Allah” by the Prophet (PBUH) for his courage and prowess in the battlefield.

What are some of his achievements?

Khalid bin Walid participated in many battles and campaigns during the lifetime of the Prophet (PBUH) and after his death. He was instrumental in defeating the apostates who rebelled against Islam after the Prophet’s (PBUH) demise. He also conquered many lands and regions, such as Syria, Iraq, Persia, and Palestine. He never lost a battle in his life, and he always fought with faith and wisdom. He died in 642 CE, in Homs, Syria, where his tomb is located.

Why should you watch this film?

This film is a great way to learn more about the life and legacy of Khalid bin Walid. It depicts his journey from being an enemy of Islam to becoming one of its greatest champions. It also shows his character, his devotion, his humility, and his love for Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). It is a film that will motivate you to follow his example and strive for excellence in your religion.

How can you download this film for free?

If you want to watch this film for free, you can download it from the internet. There are many websites that offer this film with Indonesian subtitles. However, you should be careful and avoid any illegal or harmful sites. You should also respect the rights of the filmmakers and the distributors, and not share or distribute this film without their permission.

What are some other films about Khalid bin Walid?

If you are interested in learning more about Khalid bin Walid, you can also watch some other films that feature him. For example, there is a TV series called Khalid ibn al-Walid that was produced in Syria in 2006. It has 30 episodes and covers the life of Khalid bin Walid from his childhood to his death. It is available on YouTube with English subtitles. There is also a documentary film called Khalid bin Walid: The Sword of Allah that was released in 2014. It is narrated by Sheikh Yasir Qadhi and explores the history and legacy of Khalid bin Walid. It is also available on YouTube.

What are some benefits of watching this film?

Watching this film can have many benefits for you as a Muslim. It can increase your knowledge and understanding of Islamic history and the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). It can also inspire you to emulate the qualities and virtues of Khalid bin Walid, such as his bravery, his loyalty, his generosity, and his faith. It can also strengthen your love and attachment to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), and motivate you to follow their guidance and commands.

What are some challenges of watching this film?

Watching this film can also have some challenges for you as a Muslim. It can expose you to some inaccurate or biased portrayals of Khalid bin Walid or other historical figures. It can also make you feel dissatisfied or disappointed with the current state of the Muslim ummah and its leadership. It can also distract you from your other obligations and responsibilities, such as your prayers, your studies, or your work. Therefore, you should watch this film with a critical and balanced mind, and not let it affect your faith or your actions negatively.

How can you make the most of watching this film?

If you want to make the most of watching this film, you should do some preparation and follow-up activities. Before watching the film, you should learn some basic facts and background information about Khalid bin Walid and his era. You can read some books or articles, or watch some lectures or videos about him. You can also make some notes or questions that you want to explore while watching the film. After watching the film, you should reflect on what you have learned and how it relates to your life and your religion. You can also share your thoughts and opinions with others, such as your family or friends, or on social media. You can also seek more knowledge and guidance from reliable and authentic sources, such as the Quran and the Sunnah.

Where can you find more resources about Khalid bin Walid?

If you are interested in finding more resources about Khalid bin Walid, you can visit some websites that offer various materials and media about him. For example, you can visit, which is a website dedicated to his biography and achievements. It has articles, books, audios, videos, and quizzes about him. You can also visit, which is a website that hosts the book Sword of Allah: Khalid bin al-Waleed by A.I. Akram. It is one of the most comprehensive and detailed books about him. You can also visit, which is a website that provides links to other websites and resources about him.


In conclusion, the film Khalid bin Walid is a film that you should not miss if you want to watch a film that will inspire you to be a better Muslim. It tells the amazing story of one of the greatest military leaders in Islamic history, who was known as the Sword of Allah. It shows his journey from being an enemy of Islam to becoming one of its greatest champions. It also shows his character, his devotion, his humility, and his love for Allah and His Messenger (PBUH). It is a film that will motivate you to follow his example and strive for excellence in your religion.

You can download this film for free from the internet, with Indonesian subtitles. However, you should be careful and avoid any illegal or harmful sites. You should also respect the rights of the filmmakers and the distributors, and not share or distribute this film without their permission. You should also watch this film with a critical and balanced mind, and not let it affect your faith or your actions negatively. You should also do some preparation and follow-up activities, such as learning some basic facts and background information about Khalid bin Walid and his era, making some notes or questions, reflecting on what you have learned and how it relates to your life and your religion, sharing your thoughts and opinions with others, and seeking more knowledge and guidance from reliable and authentic sources.

If you are interested in finding more resources about Khalid bin Walid, you can visit some websites that offer various materials and media about him. For example, you can visit,, or You can also read some books or articles, or watch some lectures or videos about him. You can also search for other films that feature him, such as the TV series Khalid ibn al-Walid or the documentary film Khalid bin Walid: The Sword of Allah.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to watch and enjoy the film Khalid bin Walid. We hope that this film will increase your knowledge and understanding of Islamic history and the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). We hope that this film will inspire you to emulate the qualities and virtues of Khalid bin Walid, such as his bravery, his loyalty, his generosity, and his faith. We hope that this film will strengthen your love and attachment to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), and motivate you to follow their guidance and commands.

Thank you for reading this article. May Allah bless you and guide you to the straight path.

How to download the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles?

If you want to download the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Go to one of the websites that offer this film for free, such as or
  2. Choose the quality and format of the video that you want to download, such as MP4, AVI, or MKV.
  3. Click on the download button and wait for the file to be downloaded to your device.
  4. Enjoy watching the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles.

How to watch the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles?

If you want to watch the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles, you can follow these simple steps:

  1. Make sure that you have a media player that can play the video file that you have downloaded, such as VLC, Windows Media Player, or QuickTime.
  2. Make sure that you have the subtitle file that matches the video file that you have downloaded, such as SRT, SUB, or IDX. You can find the subtitle file from the same website that you downloaded the video file from, or from other websites that provide subtitles for various languages, such as or
  3. Open the video file with your media player and load the subtitle file from the menu or settings.
  4. Enjoy watching the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles.

What are some tips for watching the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles?

If you want to have a better experience of watching the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles, you can follow these tips:

  • Watch the film in a quiet and comfortable environment, where you can focus and avoid distractions.
  • Watch the film with an open and curious mind, where you can learn and appreciate the history and culture of Islam and its people.
  • Watch the film with a critical and balanced mind, where you can analyze and evaluate the accuracy and bias of the film and its sources.
  • Watch the film with a grateful and humble mind, where you can acknowledge and thank Allah and His Messenger (PBUH) for their guidance and blessings.

What are some questions for watching the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles?

If you want to have a deeper understanding of watching the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles, you can ask yourself or others these questions:

  • What are some of the main events and characters in the film?
  • What are some of the challenges and achievements of Khalid bin Walid in the film?
  • What are some of the qualities and virtues of Khalid bin Walid in the film?
  • What are some of the lessons and messages of the film?
  • How does the film relate to your life and your religion?


In conclusion, the film Khalid bin Walid is a film that you should watch if you want to learn more about the life and legacy of one of the greatest military leaders in Islamic history. It is a film that will inspire you to be a better Muslim and to follow the example of Khalid bin Walid, who was known as the Sword of Allah. It is a film that will increase your knowledge and understanding of Islamic history and the companions of the Prophet (PBUH). It is a film that will strengthen your love and attachment to Allah and His Messenger (PBUH), and motivate you to follow their guidance and commands.

You can download this film for free from the internet, with Indonesian subtitles. However, you should be careful and avoid any illegal or harmful sites. You should also respect the rights of the filmmakers and the distributors, and not share or distribute this film without their permission. You should also watch this film with a critical and balanced mind, and not let it affect your faith or your actions negatively. You should also do some preparation and follow-up activities, such as learning some basic facts and background information about Khalid bin Walid and his era, making some notes or questions, reflecting on what you have learned and how it relates to your life and your religion, sharing your thoughts and opinions with others, and seeking more knowledge and guidance from reliable and authentic sources.

We hope that this article has given you some useful information and tips on how to download and watch the film Khalid bin Walid with Indonesian subtitles. We hope that this film will benefit you and enrich your faith. We hope that this film will make you appreciate the sacrifices and contributions of Khalid bin Walid and his fellow Muslims. We hope that this film will make you proud of your Islamic heritage and identity.

Thank you for reading this article. May Allah bless you and guide you to the straight path.


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