[FS] Patch FR : Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

author image by lathou | 0 Comments | November 22, 2022

[FS] Patch FR : Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3



[FS] Patch FR : Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3

this is a unique variant of the famas, it has the famas body with the gyroscope light attached. it also has several other parts missing, but it fires better than the regular famas. this variant of the famas has the highest horizontal recoil value among all assault rifles, beating even the acr.

with the usm, one needs to acquire the usm mod and switch to the qsb to be able to achieve a higher rate of fire as the usm mod and qsb are the only two components required to achieve this. the usm mod can be made by using parts acquired from the undying handspawn. the usm mod is equipped with higher rate of fire. the other option is to use scavenger campaign to obtain an unlimited supply of these parts. if using the qsb, the burst fire rate of the usm is around 10 times faster than that of the regular famas. the usm mod also increases the speed of the famas. however, the usm mod is lacking the vertical recoil motion, though the bullet is still able to hit the target.

with the changes to the assault rifles, saws, and mann co weapons, the 7.62scar is now the best available choice for placement weapons users. the 7.62scar provides a powerful punch for those who use the weapon in a similar manner to the g36c. the g36c is a nearly ideal saw for those who prefer an authentic experience and a more accurate weapon.62scar is ideal for those who prefer the power of a fully automatic saw but want more control over their actions, as the weapon does not require frequent reloads or movement. regardless of preference, the 7.62scar is still a workhorse.
the m20a6 hawk is a powerful weapon to those who often use the assault rifle playstyle. the weapon provides a stable and powerful weapon with reduced recoil in close to medium range combat and has perfect balance between a powerful punch and an accurate weapon, allowing the player to be aggressive in the early rounds while maintaining mobility at the late rounds.
the stryfe is unique in that it’s one of the few “heavy weapon” weapons. what this means is that it’s up to 40% heavier than its peers, and takes up a lot of space. due to this, it’s much easier to spot, and it also fires faster than normal assault rifles, and is more accurate. it is also highly adjustable, allowing for a very narrow to a very wide spread. the range is a little up from the flank (meaning a little more out on the edge) and a little down from the center (meaning a little deeper inside your body). this rifle excels in close quarter combat, where it is effective from whatever side of the room you are, and is a solid weapon for taking out enemies behind walls, in bathrooms, etc. the stryfe also has the same rate of fire as any other heavy weapon, which is 3 shots per 1.5 seconds at a relatively slow rate of fire. the heavy weapon class has one special perk that needs to be unlocked to use, the “slam”, which allows the player to have the stryfe slam the head of the gun downwards, dealing great damage and making it easier to get your shots on target. the stryfe reloads differently than most of the other heavy weapons, but it still.is almost as fast as the standard heavy weapons of the class. the stryfe is effective, as well as the other heavy weapons of the class. the stryfe can deal damage over its head and body, and the ability to use the slam is an option. this means that you don’t have to unlock or save the box with your target profile. aim down on the target, at least with one hand and the stryfe reloads faster the speed, clean the box. the stryfe has excellent range, and damage. this heavy weapon is a great alternative to any of the normal assault rifles.


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