How To Install Kali Linux On Android


How to Install Kali Linux on Android

Kali Linux is a popular Linux distribution for penetration testing and ethical hacking. It comes with a vast array of tools and utilities that can help you perform various security tasks, such as network analysis, web application testing, malware analysis, reverse engineering, and more.

But did you know that you can also install Kali Linux on your Android device? Yes, you read that right. You can turn your Android phone or tablet into a powerful hacking tool with Kali Linux. In this article, we will show you how to install Kali Linux on Android using two different methods: using an app called Termux, and using a custom ROM called Kali NetHunter.

Method 1: Using Termux

Termux is an app that allows you to run Linux commands on your Android device. It is not a full-fledged Linux system, but it provides a minimal environment that can run most of the common Linux programs. You can use Termux to install Kali Linux on your Android device without rooting it.

Here are the steps to install Kali Linux on Android using Termux:

  1. Download and install Termux from the Google Play Store.
  2. Open Termux and type the following command to update the packages:
    apt update && apt upgrade -y
  3. Type the following command to install some essential packages:
    apt install wget proot tar -y
  4. Type the following command to download the Kali Linux installation script:
  5. Type the following command to make the script executable:
    chmod +x
  6. Type the following command to run the script and install Kali Linux:
  7. Type the following command to start Kali Linux:

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Kali Linux on your Android device using Termux. You can now use any of the Kali Linux tools and utilities on your Android device.

Method 2: Using Kali NetHunter

Kali NetHunter is a custom ROM that is based on Kali Linux and designed for Android devices. It is developed by the same team behind Kali Linux and provides a full-fledged penetration testing platform for Android devices. It supports various features such as wireless injection, HID keyboard, MITM attacks, bad USB attacks, and more.

However, Kali NetHunter is not compatible with all Android devices. You need to have a supported device and a custom recovery installed on it. You also need to root your device and unlock its bootloader before installing Kali NetHunter.

Here are the steps to install Kali NetHunter on your Android device:

  1. Download the latest version of Kali NetHunter for your device from here.
  2. Copy the downloaded file to your device’s internal storage or SD card.
  3. Reboot your device into recovery mode. The exact method may vary depending on your device model, but usually it involves holding down some combination of power and volume buttons.
  4. In recovery mode, select “Install” and navigate to the location where you copied the Kali NetHunter file.
  5. Select the file and swipe to confirm the installation.
  6. Wait for the installation to complete and reboot your device.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Kali NetHunter on your Android device. You can now access the NetHunter app from your app drawer and use any of the Kali Linux tools and utilities on your Android device.


In this article, we have shown you how to install Kali Linux on Android using two different methods: using Termux and using Kali NetHunter. Both methods have their own advantages and disadvantages, so you can choose the one that suits your needs and preferences. Installing Kali Linux on Android can give you access to a powerful hacking tool that you can use for various security tasks and experiments. However, you should also be aware of the risks and responsibilities that come with using such a tool. You should always use Kali Linux ethically and legally, and respect the privacy and security of others.

We hope you found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy hacking!

Benefits of Installing Kali Linux on Android

Installing Kali Linux on Android can provide you with many benefits, such as:

  • You can use your Android device as a portable hacking tool that you can carry anywhere.
  • You can perform various security tasks and experiments on your own device or on other devices connected to the same network.
  • You can learn and practice various hacking skills and techniques using the Kali Linux tools and utilities.
  • You can test the security and vulnerability of your own device or network using the Kali Linux tools and utilities.
  • You can customize and tweak your Android device to suit your needs and preferences using the Kali Linux tools and utilities.

Risks of Installing Kali Linux on Android

Installing Kali Linux on Android can also pose some risks, such as:

  • You may void the warranty of your device or violate the terms of service of your carrier or manufacturer by installing Kali Linux on Android.
  • You may damage or brick your device if you install Kali Linux on Android incorrectly or if you use incompatible or unstable versions of Kali Linux or Android.
  • You may expose your device or network to malware or hackers if you install Kali Linux on Android without proper security measures or precautions.
  • You may face legal consequences if you use Kali Linux on Android for illegal or unethical purposes or if you hack into other devices or networks without permission or authorization.
  • You may lose some functionality or compatibility of your device or apps if you install Kali Linux on Android, as some features or services may not work properly or at all with Kali Linux.

Tips for Installing Kali Linux on Android

Here are some tips that can help you install Kali Linux on Android successfully and safely:

  • Before installing Kali Linux on Android, make sure to backup your data and settings on your device, as you may lose them during the installation process or if something goes wrong.
  • Before installing Kali Linux on Android, make sure to check the compatibility and requirements of your device and the version of Kali Linux that you want to install. You can find the list of supported devices and ROMs for Kali NetHunter here.
  • Before installing Kali Linux on Android, make sure to follow the instructions carefully and correctly. Do not skip any steps or modify any commands unless you know what you are doing.
  • After installing Kali Linux on Android, make sure to update the packages and tools regularly to keep them up to date and secure. You can use the following commands to update Kali Linux on Android:
    apt update && apt upgrade -y
  • After installing Kali Linux on Android, make sure to use a strong password and enable encryption for your device and data. You can also use a VPN or Tor to protect your online privacy and anonymity.

FAQs about Installing Kali Linux on Android

Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about installing Kali Linux on Android:

Q: Can I install Kali Linux on any Android device?
A: No, you cannot install Kali Linux on any Android device. You need to have a supported device and a custom recovery installed on it. You also need to root your device and unlock its bootloader before installing Kali Linux on Android.
Q: Can I install Kali Linux on Android without rooting it?
A: Yes, you can install Kali Linux on Android without rooting it using Termux. However, this method has some limitations and drawbacks, such as not having direct access to hardware or kernel features.
Q: Can I install Kali Linux on Android alongside the existing OS?
A: Yes, you can install Kali Linux on Android alongside the existing OS using Termux. However, this method has some limitations and drawbacks, such as not having direct access to hardware or kernel features.
Q: Can I uninstall Kali Linux from Android?
A: Yes, you can uninstall Kali Linux from Android. If you installed it using Termux, you can simply delete the files and folders related to Kali Linux from your device. If you installed it using Kali NetHunter, you can flash the stock ROM or another custom ROM of your choice using recovery mode.

Examples of Using Kali Linux on Android

Here are some examples of how you can use Kali Linux on Android for various security tasks and experiments:

  • You can use Nmap to scan your network or other networks for open ports and services.
  • You can use Metasploit to exploit vulnerabilities and gain access to remote systems.
  • You can use Wireshark to capture and analyze network traffic.
  • You can use Aircrack-ng to crack wireless passwords and perform wireless attacks.
  • You can use Burp Suite to test and audit web applications.
  • You can use Hydra to perform brute force attacks on various protocols and services.
  • You can use Sqlmap to detect and exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities.
  • You can use John the Ripper to crack passwords and hashes.
  • You can use Maltego to perform OSINT and reconnaissance.
  • You can use Responder to perform LLMNR, NBT-NS and MDNS poisoning attacks.

Resources for Learning Kali Linux on Android

Here are some resources that can help you learn more about Kali Linux on Android and how to use it effectively:

  • Kali Linux Documentation: The official documentation for Kali Linux, covering installation, usage, tools, configuration, troubleshooting, and more.
  • Kali Linux Revealed: The official online course and book for Kali Linux, covering the basics, advanced topics, certification, and more.
  • Kali NetHunter Documentation: The official documentation for Kali NetHunter, covering installation, usage, tools, configuration, troubleshooting, and more.
  • Kali Tutorials: A website that provides various tutorials and guides on how to use Kali Linux and its tools for various security tasks and experiments.
  • Kali Linux Tutorial For Beginners: A YouTube playlist that provides a comprehensive video tutorial series on how to use Kali Linux and its tools for beginners.


In this article, we have shown you how to install Kali Linux on Android using two different methods: using Termux and using Kali NetHunter. We have also discussed the benefits and risks of installing Kali Linux on Android, as well as some tips, examples, and resources for learning and using Kali Linux on Android. Installing Kali Linux on Android can give you access to a powerful hacking tool that you can use for various security tasks and experiments. However, you should also be aware of the risks and responsibilities that come with using such a tool. You should always use Kali Linux ethically and legally, and respect the privacy and security of others.

We hope you found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to leave a comment below. Happy hacking![ENG][Full][Photoshop%20Plugin][Multi5]]


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