Naskah Drama Putri Malu UPDATED 🤚

author image by lathou | 0 Comments | July 10, 2023


Naskah Drama Putri Malu: A Unique and Fun Way to Express Yourself

Naskah drama putri malu is a type of drama that involves the use of a plant called putri malu or mimosa pudica. Putri malu is a plant that closes its leaves when touched or exposed to light. It is also known as the shy plant, the touch-me-not, or the sensitive plant.

Naskah drama putri malu is a form of creative expression that uses the plant as a metaphor for human emotions and behaviors. The drama usually tells a story about a character who is shy, sensitive, or ashamed of something. The character often faces a conflict or a challenge that forces them to overcome their fears and insecurities.

Naskah drama putri malu is popular among students and teachers in Indonesia, especially in elementary and junior high schools. It is often used as a learning tool to teach students about science, literature, and social skills. It is also a fun and interactive way to engage students in drama activities and develop their creativity and communication skills.

How to Write a Naskah Drama Putri Malu

Writing a naskah drama putri malu is not difficult if you follow some simple steps. Here are some tips to help you write your own naskah drama putri malu:

  • Choose a theme or a message that you want to convey through your drama. For example, you can write about friendship, family, love, honesty, courage, etc.
  • Create a main character who is shy, sensitive, or ashamed of something. Give them a name, a personality, and a background story. For example, you can write about a girl who is afraid of speaking in public, a boy who is bullied by his classmates, or a child who is ashamed of his poor family.
  • Create other characters who are related to the main character or who play an important role in the story. Give them names, personalities, and roles. For example, you can write about the main character’s friends, enemies, parents, teachers, etc.
  • Write a plot that shows how the main character faces a conflict or a challenge that involves their shyness, sensitivity, or shame. The plot should have a beginning, a middle, and an end. The beginning should introduce the characters and the setting. The middle should show how the conflict develops and how the main character reacts to it. The end should show how the conflict is resolved and how the main character changes or learns something.
  • Use dialogue and narration to tell the story. Dialogue is what the characters say to each other or to themselves. Narration is what the narrator says to explain the story or describe the scenes. Use simple and clear language that suits your audience and your theme.
  • Use putri malu as a symbol or a prop in your drama. You can use it to show the main character’s emotions or actions. For example, you can make the main character hold or touch the plant when they are shy, scared, or embarrassed. You can also make the plant close its leaves when something bad happens or open its leaves when something good happens.

Here is an example of a naskah drama putri malu based on these steps:

Naskah Drama Putri Malu: Malu-Malu Kucing

Narrator: This is a story about Rani, a girl who loves cats but is afraid of dogs. She lives with her mother and her cat Mimi in a small house near a park. One day, she meets Rama, a boy who loves dogs but is allergic to cats. He lives with his father and his dog Gogo in a big house across the park.

Scene 1: Rani’s house

Rani: (holding Mimi) Mimi, you are my best friend. You always listen to me and make me happy. I wish I could take you everywhere with me.

Mother: (entering) Rani, it’s time for school. Are you ready?

Rani: Yes, Mom. I’m ready.

Mother: Don’t forget your lunch box and your homework.</

Mother: OK, let’s go then. Don’t be late.

Rani: OK, Mom. Bye, Mimi. (kisses Mimi)

Mother: Bye, Mimi. (exits with Rani)

Scene 2: The park

Rama: (entering with Gogo) Come on, Gogo. Let’s go for a walk. You need some exercise.

Gogo: (barking)

Rama: You are such a good boy, Gogo. You always make me happy. I wish I could take you everywhere with me.

Father: (entering) Rama, it’s time for school. Are you ready?

Rama: Yes, Dad. I’m ready.

Father: Don’t forget your lunch box and your inhaler.

Rama: I won’t, Dad.

Father: OK, let’s go then. Don’t be late.

Rama: OK, Dad. Bye, Gogo. (hugs Gogo)

Gogo: (barking)

Father: Bye, Gogo. (exits with Rama)

Scene 3: The school

Teacher: (entering) Good morning, class.

Students: Good morning, teacher.

Teacher: Today we are going to learn about plants and their movements. Do you know what plants are?

Students: Yes, teacher.

Teacher: Good. Plants are living things that can make their own food using sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide. They have different parts such as roots, stems, leaves, flowers, and fruits. They also have different movements such as tropism and nasti. Do you know what tropism and nasti are?

Students: No, teacher.

Teacher: Well, tropism is the movement of plants towards or away from a stimulus such as light, gravity, or water. For example, sunflowers turn their heads towards the sun. This is called phototropism. Nasti is the movement of plants that is not related to the direction of the stimulus but to its intensity or duration. For example, putri malu closes its leaves when touched or exposed to light. This is called seismonasti.

Students: Wow, teacher.

Teacher: Yes, it’s very interesting. Now I have a surprise for you. I brought some putri malu plants for you to observe and experiment with. Come and get one for each group.

Students: Yay! Thank you, teacher.

Teacher: (giving each group a putri malu plant) Be careful with the plants. Don’t hurt them or break them. Observe how they react to different stimuli such as touch, light, and sound. Write down your observations and conclusions on your worksheet.

Students: OK, teacher.

Teacher: You have 15 minutes to do the experiment. I will be around if you have any questions.

Students: Thank you, teacher.

Scene 4: Rani’s group

Rani: (with her group members Dina and Eka) Wow, this plant is so cute. Look how it closes its leaves when I touch it.

Dina: Yeah, it’s like it’s shy or scared.

Eka: Let me try. (touches the plant) Hey, it doesn’t close its leaves when I touch it.

Rani: Maybe it’s because you touch it too hard. Try to be gentle.

Eka: OK. (touches the plant softly) Oh, now it closes its leaves. You’re right, Rani.

Dina: Let’s see what happens when we expose it to light. (turns on a flashlight and shines it on the plant) Look, it closes its leaves too.

Rani: Maybe it doesn’t like bright light. Maybe it prefers darkness.

Eka: What about sound? Let’s make some noise and see how it reacts. (claps his hands loudly) Nothing happens.

Dina: Maybe it’s deaf. Or maybe it doesn’t care about sound.

Rani: Let’s write down our observations and conclusions on our worksheet.

Scene 5: Rama’s group

Rama: (with his group members Fina and Gani) This plant is so weird. Why does it close its leaves when I touch it?

Fina: Maybe it’s because it’s sensitive or nervous.

Gani: Let me try. (touches the plant) Hey, it closes its leaves when I touch it too.

Rama: Maybe it’s because you touch it too softly. Try to be firm.

Gani: OK. (touches the plant firmly) Oh, it still closes its leaves. You’re wrong, Rama.

Fina: Let’s see what happens when we expose it to light. (turns off the light and shines a flashlight on the plant) Look, it closes its leaves too.

Rama: Maybe it likes darkness. Maybe it hates light.

Gani: What about sound? Let’s make some noise and see how it reacts. (shouts loudly) Nothing happens.

Fina: Maybe it’s mute. Or maybe it doesn’t mind sound.

Rama: Let’s write down our observations and conclusions on our worksheet.

Scene 6: The teacher

Teacher: (entering) Time’s up, class. How was the experiment? Did you enjoy it?

Students: Yes, teacher.

Teacher: Good. Now let’s share our findings with the class. Who wants to go first?

Students: Me, me, me.

Teacher: OK, let’s start with Rani’s group. Rani, can you tell us what you did and what you learned?

Rani: (standing up) Sure, teacher. We did an experiment with the putri malu plant. We observed how it reacted to different stimuli such as touch, light, and sound. We found out that the plant closed its leaves when it was touched softly or exposed to bright light. But it didn’t close its leaves when it was touched firmly or exposed to sound. We concluded that the plant was sensitive to touch and light, but not to sound.

Teacher: Very good, Rani. You did a great job. Give her a round of applause, class.

Students: (clapping)

Teacher: Thank you, Rani. You can sit down now. Next, let’s hear from Rama’s group. Rama, can you tell us what you did and what you learned?

Rama: (standing up) Yes, teacher. We did the same experiment as Rani’s group. We observed how the putri malu plant reacted to different stimuli such as touch, light, and sound. We found out that the plant closed its leaves when it was touched softly or exposed to bright light too. But it also didn’t close its leaves when it was touched firmly or exposed to sound. We concluded that the plant was nervous or shy of touch and light, but not of sound.

Teacher: Very good, Rama. You also did a great job. Give him a round of applause, class.

Students: (clapping)

Teacher: Thank you, Rama. You can sit down now. Well done, class. You have learned a lot about plants and their movements today. I hope you enjoyed the experiment and had fun with the putri malu plant.

In conclusion, naskah drama putri malu is a type of drama that uses the putri malu plant as a symbol or a prop to tell a story about a character who is shy, sensitive, or ashamed of something. The putri malu plant is a plant that closes its leaves when touched or exposed to light. It is also known as the shy plant, the touch-me-not, or the sensitive plant. Naskah drama putri malu is popular among students and teachers in Indonesia as a learning tool and a creative expression. Writing a naskah drama putri malu is not difficult if you follow some simple steps such as choosing a theme, creating a character, writing a plot, using dialogue and narration, and using putri malu as a symbol or a prop. Naskah drama putri malu is a unique and fun way to express yourself and learn about plants and their movements.[HOT]


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