Savitha Bhabhi Stories Complete Collection

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Savitha Bhabhi Stories Complete Collection

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Savitha Bhabhi Stories Complete Collection

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How to capture all method calls from a particular class?

I am trying to capture all method calls from a particular class for monitoring purposes.
So far, I am using a System.Diagnostics.StopWatch to measure the time spent in a particular method call.
But the problem is that all the calls from any class/assembly gets added in the same stopwatch instance.
StopWatch stopWatch = new StopWatch();
Object targetObject = new Object();

MethodInfo mInfo = targetObject.GetType().GetMethod(methodName, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance);

if (mInfo!= null)

//Return the time taken to execute the method
TimeSpan executionTime = stopWatch.Elapsed;

There are 2 ways I can think of:
1) Break up the stopWatch instance by calling Stop() and then start again.
2) Write my own stopwatch object.
I would like to know if there are any other ways in which I can achieve this.


I just used:
TimeSpan executionTime = new System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch().Elapsed;

Hope it helps.


you can initialize an additional stopwatch that keeps track of the entire application in the same global instance.
var sw = new Stopwatch(); //global instance of a stopwatch

//do stuff

//do more stuff

TimeSpan executionTime = sw.Elapsed;


Getting rid of curly braces

I’ve been trying to get my function to read a file and choose from the options in said file. For some reason, even when I get rid of the curly braces, the function stays to close to my main function.

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Android: set default text for spinner

I have an application which reads data from a html-site (xmltree) and stores it in a list view. When you click on an item in the list, a new page opens. The link opens in the “web view” and shows the item in the list. I want to display a spinner in the first page when you are in the list. How can I do that? I do not want to set the data to the spinner until the user clicks on the item. It should be the same as the first page where the spinner is at the beginning.


Override getItem, set the data to null when user click on an item and then override getView to set the data:
public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {

private List data;
private Activity activity;

public MyAdapter(Activity context, List data) {
super(context, R.layout.my_spinner_item, data);
this.activity = context; = data;

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View v = convertView;
if (v == null) {

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