Tag: sanskrit-dhatu-kosha-pdf-137

Sanskrit Dhatu Kosha Pdf 137

Sanskrit Dhatu Kosha Pdf 137 Download               Sanskrit Dhatu Kosha Pdf 137 Kosha Meaning in Sanskrit Akuśa: The mind or the thinking part of the soul. Avidya: Ignorance; the root of ignorance. Avyaya: The obstruction or. the physical aspects of the being. Citta: The mind; the mind as. Manas: The mind or the thinking part of the soul. Manomaya kosha: the fifth sheath or the energy or the thinking part of the soul; the pericranium. Nadis: Channels or channels through which the prana or life force flows. Nada: A sound, song, or voice. Nada-bindu:…

by lathou
December 21, 2022
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