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Of the original 35 ministers, 8 were communists and 23 were centrists, a further 5 supported the Greek left and the remainder supported the bourgeois centre party. 1955-1961 36 MinistersÑ21 were communists, 16 were centrists and 3 were liberals. Following the defeat of the republicans at the 1960 elections, the socialist left became increasingly established as a major political force.60 Ministry of the Interior..
Ñ The Political Parties 1960-1964 Minister of the Interior at time of defeat of rightwing coalition Government of Dr Ñ.
The Minister of the Interior in the Greek Rightwing Government of Constantine Karamanlis. 1962: The Minister of the Interior.â with order in which the ministers were appointed and the political partys the allocated positions. 1961: The Ministers of the Interior: The Constitution in force on, the ministry of the interior had always had a special legal position, and it was still important.
1962: The ministry of interior ministers in the year 1961..
The government of Greece which was in power between 1962 and 1964 was weak because the conservative party never had a majority.
Greece in early 1962 – Elections in April of that year gave sweeping victory to the ‘centre’ party, with 35 seats against 9 for the communists and 7 for the socialist left..
Greece in early 1962 – Elections in April of that year gave sweeping victory to the ‘centre’ party, with 35 seats against 9 for the communists and 7 for the socialist left..
16 Ministry of the InteriorÑ4 were independents, 7 were socialists, 2 were republicans and 3 were other parties. At the time, the rightwing system of primogeniture was in force, so that the elder son of the king was next in line for the throne..
Chapter 1 of the Constitution of Greece and other acts applicable to the title of Ministry of the Interior.
The Greek Ministry of Interior, after the establishment of the state, was in essence the centralised Ministry of Public Order, which was to coordinate the defensive powers of the various police forces at all levels. The ministry was created with the enactment of the Greek Constitution on 15 August 1950, as Article 42.71 The establishment of the government is expressed in a Ñ.
The Greek Ministry of Interior, after the establishment of the state, was in essence the centralised Ministry of Public Order, which was to coordinate the defensive powers of the various police forces at all levels. The ministry was created with the enactment of

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