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This is an answer to the first part of your question:
If you want to learn the commands of GNU/Linux, read the manual of the Linux documentation and man pages. The manuals are quite self-explaining and very easy to understand.
You can also install the GNU/Linux manual in a PDF (e.g. here) and read it on a desktop machine without any additional software. The PDF software is available in the repositories and it can be opened with e.g. Evince.
Although the manual can be quite long, it still describes a lot of commands. The amount of commands of GNU/Linux will also grow if you use new software. But here are some good starting points:
man man
man ls
man cp
man grep
man grep -r
man strcmp
man strlcpy
man cmp
man diff
man dirname
man fdformat
man cat
man find
man printf
man sleep
man sed
man stat
man cut
man tee
man sort
man tail
man tr
man sed -e
man grep -e
man printf -e
man awk -e
man readlink
man basename
man findstr
man grep -n
man uname
Here, you get an overview over the basic commands of GNU/Linux.
You can also use this command to figure out if a command is installed:
which command
The global WEEE and Waste Reduction Market report is an essential source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals looking to venture into the WEEE and Waste Reduction Market. The research study provides a detailed and a comprehensive analysis of the WEEE and Waste Reduction Market. It comprises of a comprehensive review of global market norms and policies, the analysis of WEEE and Waste Reduction Market based on product type, application, and region. The report also consists of the evaluation of market dynamics, including drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges.
A brief overview of the report:
The report consists of the evaluation of various factors that drive the growth of the WEEE and Waste Reduction Market.
The report comprises of the evaluation of various restraining factors and the challenges that the global WEEE and Waste Reduction Market may face in the near future.
The report comprises of an evaluation of the current and future growth prospects of the WEEE and Waste Reduction Market
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